Local Emergency Planning Committee Minutes

Minutes from Meeting on August 13th, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Nimmow, Tim Stieve, Richard Meister, Kevin Stieve, Tom Dorner, Warren Frank, Nicholas Fluguar.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Jelinek, Denise Brusveen, Steve Muchow, Randy Johnson, Kevin Gunderson, Jeff Seering, Sam Howard, Marty Krueger, Jeff Skinner, Jeff Sprecher, Cindy Bodendein, Stan Sukup and Melissa Delmore.

The meeting was called to order by T. Stieve at 1:05 p.m. with a quorum present. Meeting was properly posted.

Motion by K. Stieve, second by Meister to adopt agenda. Carried.

Motion by K. Stieve, second by Nimmow to approve previous meeting minutes. Carried.

Public Education - No specific update.

HAZMAT/Inservice Training - No new updates.

Exercise Development/Plan Review - Jeff continues to work on the plan reviews no specific items for Committee.

Clean Sweep - It is part of the 2010 budget at this time but still have a few approvals to go through.

HAZMAT Team - No report

COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORTS - Nick Flueguar noted that he has had duties added to him and with that Mr. Skinner will be the regular attending member versus himself at the Sauk County LEPC meetings.


NEW BUSINESS - Tim provided a brief overview of the Art Park.


ADJOURNMENT - Motion by K. Stieve, second by Dorner to adjourn. Carried.