Executive & Legislative Committee Minutes

DATE: Tuesday, July 7, 2009; 8:00 A.M.

Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Krueger, Stevens, Endres, Wenzel, and Fordham

Others Present: K. Schauf, B. Mielke, A. Kleczek, M. Steward, J. Ashford, S. Pate, and news media representative.

Chair Krueger called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Stevens to approve the agenda, with the option of the Chair to move items "at will" throughout the meeting, due to scheduling issues. Motion carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Endres to approve the minutes of the June 2, 2009 meeting. Motion carried.

Public Comment:



Chair Krueger distributed copies of the following: letter from Jeff Fitzgerald, State Assembly Republican Leader, concerning reduction in state aid sent to Wisconsin counties under the 2009-11 state budget; e-mail from WCA thanking all who contacted legislators regarding budget issues; invitation to attend the Governor's picnic on July 20th, 2009 in Madison; and letter from Supervisor Haugen regarding various issues.

Upon inquiry from Supervisor Endres, the Administrative Coordinator will attempt to locate correspondence forwarded to the Sheriff's Dept. concerning NRA grants.

Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Fordham to go into closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)(g) conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved: Sauk County Planning & Zoning vs. Helen Birkemeier; Cs. No. 09FO908, and allow the following individuals to remain: J. Ashford, M. Steward, A. Kleczek, B. Mielke, and K. Schauf. Roll call vote was taken on the motion with the following results: AYE: (5) Krueger, Stevens, Fordham, Endres, and Wenzel. The Committee went into closed session at 8:05 A.M. and returned to open session at 8:45 A.M.

Election of Delegate for Capital Improvement Projects Team:

Motion by Endres, seconded by Stevens to nominate Chair Krueger to serve as the E&L delegate to the Capital Improvement Projects Team. Motion carried. Motion by Endres, seconded by Wenzel to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Chair Krueger. Motion carried.

Discussion of Wind Generator at Badger:

Supervisor Wenzel gave a report on the location of a wind generator at the former BAAP, specifically noting:

* The Army intends to install a wind generator on the Badger property near the "S" curves located on US Hwy. 12.

* Badger Interim Oversight & Management Commission was not contacted for input and location of a wind generator is not compatible with the Badger reuse plan.

* It is anticipated more information on the project will be forthcoming at future BIG meetings.

Consideration of Resolution Denying Claim of Verizon:

A. Kleczek, Corporation Counsel, distributed draft copies of a resolution entitled, "Resolution Denying Claim of Verizon". Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Stevens to forward the resolution to the County Board for consideration at the July 21, 2009 meeting. Motion carried.

MIS Department:

S. Pate, MIS Director, presented the monthly report and list of bills for his department. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Endres to receive the report and list of bills in the amount of $77,662.85. Motion carried.

Pate submitted a donation application and agreement request from the Sauk County Dept. of Human Services, Family Care Program, for a used computer. Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham to approve the request. Motion carried.

Pate distributed copies of a revised "Sauk County Surplus Computer Donation Program

Donation Application and Agreement" and reviewed same with Committee. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Stevens to approve the form for use. Motion carried.

Pate reviewed the 2010 MIS Budget Departmental Request Summary report with Committee members, noting changes may occur during the budget deliberation process.

Discussion and Possible Adoption of Resolution Adopting an Identity Theft Policy:

A. Kleczek, Corporation Counsel, distributed draft copies of an identity theft policy and resolution entitled, "Adopting an Identity Theft Policy" and discussed same with Committee. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Wenzel to forward the policy and resolution to the County Board for consideration at the July 21, 2009 meeting. Motion carried.

County Clerk:

B. Mielke, County Clerk, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. Motion by Endres, seconded by Wenzel to receive the report and list of bills in the amount of $1,727.82. Motion carried.

Mielke informed Committee members the newly adopted state budget contained a provision which will require her office to begin issuing domestic partnership agreements effective August 3, 2009. Mielke also distributed a survey of Wisconsin counties regarding the current cost to obtain a marriage license. Committee members supported setting the marriage license/domestic partnership agreement fees in Sauk County to the average of all counties ($75.00), effective January 1, 2010; Mielke will draft a resolution for consideration at a later date.

Corporation Counsel:

A. Kleczek, Corporation Counsel, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Endres to receive the report and list of bills in the amount of $1,056.82. Motion carried.

Administrative Coordinator:

K. Schauf, Administrative Coordinator, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. Discussion took place concerning grant funds relative to phase II of the fiber optic project. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Endres to receive the report and list of bills in the amount of $20.39. Motion carried.

A lengthy discussion followed concerning staff training and County Board relations, including review and support of a model relationship document.

County Board Chair

Chair Krueger noted the following issues of concern over the past month:

* Grant funds for phase II of the fiber optic project.

* Selection of County Board Supervisor in District #26, upcoming orientation & training.

* Concerns over possible continued rental of residence located on Lake Redstone.

* Issues with "Pod A" and voter intent.


County Comprehensive Planning Update:

Mark Steward, Planning & Zoning Administrator, updated Committee members on the County comprehensive planning process. Draft copies of a timeline and excerpts from a sample plan were distributed and discussed; the goal of adopting a plan by year's end is maintained.

Drainage District:

Supervisor Stevens gave the following update on the Sauk County Drainage District Board:

* No meeting was held during the past month, however, an informational gathering did take place with representatives of the DNR where issues of concern were raised.

* Following the DNR's reduction in the water level of Baaken's Pond, the test wells and ground water level in the surrounding area went down 2 ½ feet.

* Some individuals who signed the original petition to form the district now have requested to have their names removed (a matter for the court to decide, not Sauk County).

* Sauk County's State legislators have been contacted regarding the situation.

* Plans are to increase the Drainage Board's membership from 3 - 5 individuals.

Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Fordham to postpone item # 10 (consider performance evaluation of the Administrative Coordinator) to a special meeting on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 9:00 A.M. Motion carried.

Motion by Stevens, seconded by Fordham to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting date for Monday, August 10, 2009 at 8:00 A.M. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 12:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary