Finance Committee

DATE: August 11, 2009

Members present: Steve Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Marty Krueger, William F. Wenzel

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Penny Clary, Jessica Fry, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Kim Gochanour, Michael Hafemann, Lynn Horkan, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Wenzel to adopt the agenda, second by Bach. Motion carried. Motion by Fordham to adopt the minutes of the previous meetings July 14 and 21, 2009, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Communications: Krueger presented materials from the Public Hearing on the Foreclosure Crisis sponsored by the Assembly Speaker's Taskforce on Preventing Home Foreclosures held at UW-Baraboo/Sauk County on July 30, 2009.

Presentation of jail state prisoners report

Fry and Hafemann reviewed the distributed July 2009 report. Utilities and census for July were discussed.

Discussion of 2009 Sheriff Budget

Huber fees and telephone revenues are not expected to meet budget this year. Only about 20% of Huber are employed so can't charge Huber board fees. Projected budget shortfall for the year is about $130,000 for Huber board fee revenue. Huber unemployment is due to tough economy and competing with people without criminal record. Huber inmates work in County departments and other not-for-profits when possible. For every 24 hours of service, Huber inmates receive a day off their sentence which saves the County dollars. Telephone commission checks are behind and current company is going out of business, and replacement vendor is being sought. Corporation Counsel is working on the collection for unpaid revenues from current telephone company. Projected budget shortfall is $10,000. Other expenses are down to help offset these variances to budget.

Presentation of quarterly accounts receivable reports as of June 30, 2009

Bach questioned Human Services and Clerk of Courts trends. Clary and Gochanhour reviewed the Health Care Center (HCC) receivables. New system has helped with application of payment, timely billing and collection. Medicare billing system is also new and provides more timely payment.

Update on financial performance of the Health Care Center as of June 30, 2009

Gochanhour reviewed the January through June HCC Operations Statement. Census for June and July was down, however occupancy is back up. Overall HCC has good control over expenses and year to date financials are in good shape. Currently working on 2010 budget and reducing expenses as able.

Review of refinancing of long-term debt and debt market update

An updated report from Viegut was included in the agenda. Consensus was that the scenario of refinancing $5 million of the $10 million now would be best option to take advantage of historically low rates now. Motion by Bach to pursue refinancing half the bond anticipation notes now, second by Krueger. Motion carried.

Consider update to Financial Policy 1-08, Self Insured Workers Compensation

Beghin reviewed the recent changes to the County reporting of the self insured workers compensation due to recent audit. A separate internal service fund for workers compensation reserve would be created, rather than a reservation of General Fund balance. Motion by Krueger to approve the update to Financial Policy 1-08, Self Insured Workers Compensation, second by Bach. Motion carried.

Update on 2010 budget process

Beghin distributed and reviewed the results of the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) meeting. Current HCC dismantling was discussed. Beghin noted the Mirror Lake estimates received are closer to $250,000 instead of $340,000. Requesting dollars from the Lake Redstone management board to participate in the funding of its repairs was discussed. Beghin distributed the 2010 Budget Timeline; she noted the adjustment in October for the Finance Committee to review the budget in more detail.

Presentation of County financial report

Financial reports were included with the agenda. Beghin distributed the 2010 Budget Projections as of August 6, 2009. Vacant positions are being encouraged to be kept vacant for at least the short term.

Treasurer's Department Update

Geoghegan updated the Committee on recent Treasurer Department activity. Tax collection delinquency rate is substantially the same this year compared to this point last year. Treasurer will be focusing on accumulating information for taking tax deeded properties. It was the consensus of the Committee to consider investment firm proposals again in December 2009. Motion by Krueger to receive the Treasurer's report and approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's Department in the amount of $441.12, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.

Accounting Department Update:

Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity, including Baraboo Range program nearing an end. Motion by Krueger to receive the Accounting report and approve payment of the Accounting Department invoices in the amount of $40,122.19 and County invoices in the amount of $3,591,924.19, second by Fordham. Motion carried.

Next Meeting

The next regular Finance meeting will be September 8, 2009 at 8:30 am.


Motion by Wenzel, second by Bach, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach, Finance Committee Secretary