Finance Committee

DATE: September 8, 2009

Members present: Steve Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Marty Krueger, William F. Wenzel

Others present: Kerry Beghin, Stephanie Box, Dan Brattset, Judge James Evenson, Tom Fandry, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Lynn Horkan, Janell Lennon, Kathy Schauf, Tom Scheidegger, Melissa Walsh, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:30 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by B a ch to adopt the agenda, second by We n zel. Motion carried. Motion by Fo r dham to adopt the minutes of the previous meetings September 8, 15, 22, 23, and 24, 2009, second by B a ch. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Communications: None

Discussion of Home Care 2009 Budget

Presentation of jail state prisoners report

Fry distributed the September 2009 report.

Consideration of 2010 budget recommendation to the Coutny Board

Consider Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $5,115,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds

Beghin indicated that per a recent conversation with Viegut there has been no significant rate change. Motion by Krueger to authorize and forward to the County Board the Issuance and Sale of $5,115 ,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds , second by Fordham. Motion carried.

Update on 2010 budget process

Schauf communicated that she has been meeting with all departments and reviewing their budget requests. Focus has been on exploration of restructuring positions and departments to continue to provide services and programs. Schauf reviewed the equalized value decrease. She noted two extraordinary items make up much of the decrease: a not for profit organization obtaining tax exemption and 2008 flood damage.

Presentation of County financial report

Financial reports were included with the agenda. Sales tax receipts were discussed. Due to 2009 decreased budget for sales tax the County is expecting to be within budget.

Treasurer's Department Update

Geoghegan updated the Committee on recent Treasurer Department activity. Geoghegan will report next month on tax delinquencies. Beghin shared statistics gathered in preparation for the Moody's rating call; basically delinquent property taxes were unchanged as compared to prior years. As of the previous Friday, there are still 44 properties owing for 2004/2005. Geoghegan is seeking to contact all property owners. Motion by Krueger to receive the Treasurer's report and approve payment of the invoices from the Treasurer's Department in the amount of $1,006.78, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.

Geoghegan reviewed the Treasurer 2010 budget. Interest earned on investments is down due to rates in the marketplace. The budget appropriately reflects this decrease in revenues. Discussed the search for a tax system.

Accounting Department Update:

Beghin pointed out the highlights of the Accounting Department's recent activity. She highlighted the call with Moody's. The rating committee meets this afternoon. Beghin indicated Viegut is confident the current rating should be maintained. Motion by Krueger to receive the Accounting report and approve payment of the Accounting Department invoices in the amount of $4,622.50 and the County invoices in the amount of $38,749,345.15, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.


Beghin reviewed the Accounting 2010 budget. She discussed the 2010 budget highlights form. Motion by Krueger to approve and move the Treasurer and Accounting budgets forward in the budget process, second by Fordham. Motion carried.


Next Meeting

The next regular Finance meeting will be October 13, 2009 at 8:30 am.


Motion by Bach to adjourn the meeting, second by Fordham. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach, Finance Committee Secretary