Finance Committee

DATE: September 24, 2009

Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel

Others present: Scott Alexander, Kerry Beghin, Lowell Haugen, Lynn Horkan, Kathy Schauf, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:15 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Bach to adopt the agenda, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.

Opening Comments:

Agreed to first review the remaining departments then review summary information.

Non-departmental accounts and general discussion

County Board : Krueger reviewed the County Board budget which has no significant changes. Krueger noted there are no dollars in the budget for the voting system. Bach suggested a consideration to decrease the county board per diem compensation by $10 per meeting, decreasing expenses and levy request by approximately $5,500. Consensus was to continue discussion on per diem compensation with the summary information and other possible adjustments.

CDBG-Economic Development/Revolving Loans: Community Block Grant (CDBG) funding is pass through from the Department of Commerce. There are no new Revolving Loan Funds or applications at this time. Administration available will be used in future for monitoring loans.

CDBG-Emergency Assistance Program: Additional funding has become available for business flood relief, in addition to housing rehabilitation. When funding is received by the County it will be loaned out.

CDBG-Flood Recovery Small Business: Budget is for existing loans with repayments not due until 2011.

Debt Service: Beghin noted this fund is not related to Health Care Center (HCC) debt. HCC debt is in the HCC fund. Beghin reviewed the remaining debt for this fund and the fund balance process.

Rental Properties: Schauf stated that the County rental properties are vacant and will go to bid, possibly this fall. Proceeds for sale of assets will be returned to the HCC fund.

Workers Compensation: Beghin noted this fund is due to self insurance for workers compensation. She highlighted the components of the fund and stated the County expenses were significantly decreased due to the self insurance implementation.

General: Beghin reviewed the general fund account budgets. The sales tax budget was discussed. The current 2010 budget includes flat sales tax revenue as compared to 2009. Beghin distributed a worksheet showing the history and current sales tax figures. General consensus of Finance Committee is to keep sales tax budget the same as 2009. Krueger gave an update on the Economic Development projects. There were no new requests for 2010. The contingency fund balance and its adequacy were discussed.

The 2010 levy limits and the calculation components were reviewed by Beghin and Schauf. Schauf reviewed proposed strategies to position the County for capacity retention for the long term in a poor economic environment. She noted the County has eliminated 14.9 full time equivalent staff. She noted the reliance on grant funding and the continued growth in expenditures with declining revenues. There was discussion of long term vision beyond 2010 and the need to systematically reduce expenditures. Possible adjustments to the current requested budget were discussed.

Motion by Bach that the Library Board receive a 5% increase rather than requested 7.4%, second by Bychinski. Discussion. Motion defeated.

Motion by Bach to reduce county board supervisor per diem compensation for county board meetings from $60 to $50 and all other meetings from $50 to $40, second by Krueger. Discussion. Motion carried.

Motion by Fordham to adjust the requested budget: decrease $182,459 for known health insurance rate reductions, reduce $38,300 for known HCC debt service decrease, reduce $55,000 eliminating Sheriff Department vacant clerical position, reduce $20,555 eliminating one Sheriff squad car purchase, reduce $21,753 eliminating Corporation Counsel vacant legal secretary position, reduce $25,000 eliminating White Mound Park fiber optic line, reduce $250,000 and fund dam repairs from fund balance, second by Bach. Discussion.

Motion by Krueger to remove the Corporation Counsel position elimination from original motion, second by Bach. Amendment to motion carried. Amended motion: decrease $182,459 for known health insurance rate reductions, reduce $38,300 for known HCC debt service decrease, reduce $55,000 eliminating Sheriff Department vacant clerical position, reduce $20,555 eliminating one Sheriff squad car purchase, reduce $25,000 eliminating White Mound Park fiber optic line, reduce $250,000 and fund dam repairs from fund balance. Discussion. Motion carried.

Motion by Bach to adjust requested budget: reduce $21,753 eliminating Corporation Counsel vacant legal secretary position, second by Fordham. Discussion. Motion carried with Krueger opposed.

Motion by Bach to adjourn the meeting, second by Wenzel. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach

Finance Committee Secretary