DATE: May 28, 2009
PRESENT: Virgil Hartje, Tom Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Bill Higgins
ABSENT: Paul Endres
OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Kathy Schauf, Kim Gochanour, Alene Kleczek, Marty Krueger, Kerry Beghin
In the absence of Chairman Endres, Vice-chair Bychinski chaired the meeting.
1. Called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Tommy Bychinski. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3.Motion by Hartje, second by Higgins to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
4. Public Comment - None
5. Communications - None
6. Tim updated the board on the progress of the building. Discussion held on disposal of some left over sand, dirt and mix. Tim also presented the current change order proposal in excess of $10,000 for board approval. Discussion followed. The Kraemer bid for the outbuilding is still under discussion and no final information is available at this time.
Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to approve change order proposal #56A in the amount of $23,382.00. Motion carried.
Board Chairman Krueger asked that this committee make a motion to designate Tommy Bychinski to do the Building Committee report for the County Board in Paul's absence, and include the total dollar amounts in change orders that have been approved.
Kathy Schauf updated the committee on the meeting with Waste Cap on possible recycling options for the old Health Care Center building. Approximately 80% of the old building would be recyclable. Property and Resource Committee will be dealing with issues related to the disposition of the property including old buildings on site. A resolution from them will be taken to the full board related to this disposition.
Motion by Fordham, second by Hartje to designate Tommy Bychinski to present the Building Committee report for the County Board in Paul's absence including dollar amounts in change orders. Motion carried.
7. Kerry Beghin updated the board on the budget. No concerns were expressed.
8. Next meeting will be June 15 at 8:00 a.m. in the EMBS Conference Room.
Motion by Hartje, second by Higgins to adjourn. Motion carried.
Joan Fordham, Secretary