Health Care Center
Building Committee

DATE: October 8, 2009

PRESENT: Virgil Hartje, Joan Fordham, Paul Endres, Bill Higgins

ABSENT: Tom Bychinski

OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Kim Gochanour, Marty Krueger, Kerry Beghin

1. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

2. Motion by Fordham,second by Hartje to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3.Motion by Hartje, second by Higgins to approve the minutes of the last two meetings. Motion carried.

4. Public Comment - None

5. Communications - Virgil Hartje noted he had been contacted by Habitat for Humanity regarding disposal of old property.

6. Tim updated the board on the building construction. Building is moving along on target.
a) Tim noted that he had one change order for the lights that needed to be approved, the latest pricing was just under $30,000 at $29,996. However, Tim noted that Kraemer Brothers had received word from the inspector late yesterday (10-07-09) that we may not need go with all the lighting in this change, that we may be able to go with much less. Tim requested approval of this lighting change, $29,996 but won't move forward with any lighting until we have an answer. Motion by Hartje, second by Fordham to approve a Change order up to $29,996, but only complete the work that is needed. Motion carried.

7. All is going well with the FF&E. Install scheduled for the week of 10-26-09.

8. Kerry Beghin updated the board on the budget. No concerns were expressed. We are still on budget.

9. Next meeting will be November 5, 2009 at 8:00a.m. at the new facility.

Motion by HIggins, second by Hartje to adjourn. Motion carried.


Joan Fordham, Secretary