DATE: December 3, 2009
PRESENT: Virgil Hartje, Tom Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Paul Endres, Bill Higgins
OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Kim Gochanour, Marty Krueger, Kerry Beghin, Aileen Kleczak
1. Called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Bychinski, second by Hartje to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Fordham, second by Higgins to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public Comment - None
5. Communications - Members have received calls from the community regarding the lights being left on at the old facility. Bill McClary indicated that the emergency lights only are left on. Is a safety issues. Discussion followed. We also have items left in the facility and need power on to prepare for the auction. Members have heard many nice comments about the new facility.
6. Tim will have some change orders yet - waiting for all the information. Dealing with some small building issues as expected. Will soon get the deduct for the Owner-Direct Insurance Program. Tim will take care of ordering the plaque of the County Board Members which is usually in county buildings. Aileen updated the board on the Horty/Elving Plenum wiring issue and it was decided that we will not pursue the issue. We also had a phone issue with Verizon which has been fixed.
7. Update on FF&E. Everything is in however are some items that will still need to purchase at a later date.
8. Update on the move. Paul indicated that his experience was that the move went exceptionally well and was fast. All residents were moved over to the new facility by 11:35 a.m. All equipment was here by 2:00 p.m. Many volunteers helped - High School groups were especially helpful with the moving of equipment. Some difficulty with staff learning new systems, however are working through it. Generally staff are very happy with the building and appreciative that the building process was successful. State Ombudsmen left early and were very happy with our moving process and staff interactions with residents.
9. Kerry Beghin updated the board on the budget. We are still in good shape with the budget. Some bills still coming in. Tim has one additional change order to be processed. Discussion followed. No concerns were expressed. We are still under budget.
Supervisor Hartje noted that working with this committee and the staff has been very enjoyable and everyone was very helpful. This was reinforced by Supervisor Bychinski and other members.
10. Next meeting to be announced.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adjourn. Motion carried.
Joan Fordham, Secretary