DATE: July 9, 2009
PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Terri Langer, Henry Netzinger, William Higgins, Linda Borleske
OTHERS PRESENT: Penny Clary, Juli Brandt, Kim Gochanour, staff
ABSENT: Larry Schroeder
1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Higgins, second by Langer to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public comment - none
5. Communication - none
6. Discussion and consideration of purchasing a piano - Kim summarized the process of purchasing the piano, and gave a description of what will be included in the purchase price of $5,147.80, see attached.
Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to approve the capital outlay expenditure to purchase a piano in the amount of $5147.80. Motion carried.
7. Presentation by Juli Brandt, RN, DON on Quality Measures. Juli summarized the short and long term goals for improving quality measures which have been put in place at SCHCC. Discussion followed.
8. Chairman's report - Paul Endres updated the board on the Building Committee Meeting. Discussion followed.
9. Business office report and voucher review. Penny updated the board on the progress with aged receivables and reviewed vouchers for the month. The board commented on the marked improvement in the aged receivables, from last year at this time.
Motion by Langer, second by Carlson to approve the vouchers in the amount of $112,868.91. Motion carried.
10. Administrator's report. Kim updated the board on various activities of the HCC over the past month.
11. Monthly donations - none
12. Next meeting will be August 13 at 5:00 p.m. Board members are asked to meet at the new building site for a tour. After adjournment, the board will reconvene at the current SCHCC building to conclude the meeting.
Motion by Langer, second by Netzinger to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson