DATE: November 5, 2009
Present: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Terri Langer, Henry Netzinger, William Higgins, Linda Borleske
Others Present: Kim Gochanour, Marty Krueger, Penny Clary
1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
2. Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
3. Motion by Langer, second by Carlson to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
4. Public comment - none
5. Communication - Kim met with Liz Miller regarding the old Benefit Club and invoices were presented. Discussion followed.
6. Discussion and consideration of increasing the private pay rate.This is an annual increase which most nursing homes explore. Discussion followed
Motion by Carlson, second by Langer to approve the increase in our private pay rate to $215. Motion carried.
7. Discussion of move to new building. Many volunteers and all of the staff have put a lot of time in to get everything ready for the move. We have ADRC and VARC busses coming to help also. The Blue Heron and Frameworks did a great job with the artwork. Many pieces came from the old building and were just reframed. We continue to work on the dedication ceremony.
8. Chairman's report - Paul indicated that the building is 98% complete. Have some minor things to complete, and are working on those. E&L Committee approved the expenditure to install the wireless equipment in the building. We will be installing laser smoke detectors in the Community Room. The building is on time and under budget.
9. Business Office report and voucher review. Penny reviewed the invoices and operations statement. Some increase in payroll because of the contract being settled. Issues with Medicare Replacement were discussed. If the issue becomes a trend, we will need to look into the matter more closely.
Motion by Borleske, second by Netzinger to approve the vouchers in the amount of $81,775.66. Motion carried.
10. Administrator's report. Kim updated the board on various activities of the HCC over the past month, focusing on the move. Kim also announced that a laundry employee was in a fatal accident. A Resolution recognizing her for years of service will be on the agenda next month. Art Carlson asked that a card be sent to the family from the committee. Started Union Negotiations in September, but with the move no further meetings have been held. These will begin again shortly.
11. There were no donations for the month of October.
12. Next meeting will be December 3, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.
Motion by Netzinger, second by Higgins to adjourn. Motion carried.
Paul Endres, Chairperson