DATE: November 18, 2009
425 Sixth Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959
Members Present: Art Carlson, Bert Vaillancourt, Carie Pieper, Judith Stoeckmann, Alice Moyer, Sue Hebel, Eddie Scanlan, Gina Thill, Kathy Warwick
Members Absent: Trish Vandre, Betty Irwin, Bridgitte Bodette, Susan Tucker, Shell Lea Hainz, Theron Hill, Charlotte Taylor
Call to Order and Certification of the Open Meeting Law: Carlson called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law.
Adopt Agenda: Vaillancourt moved to approve agenda, seconded by Moyer, passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of September 30, 2009 Meeting Minutes. Reword final paragraph to "Vandre voted for Carlson as Chairman, seconded by Hill, passed by unanimous vote."
COP Program Transition: Hebel reported that the COP program will be transistioned to the Community Support Program supervisor. Eddie Scanlan reported that the Community Support Program services 160 adults with serious mental illness. Of these adults, 80 percent live in community settings. The goal is for these individuals is to be as independent as possible and live full lives. Some clients work full-time and others receive vocational support services.
Children LTS Programs: Hebel explained the Children's programs under the supervision of Bridgitte Bodette. Bridgitte will be utilizing COP as a match funding source. Bridge's unit will also implements the Birth to Three Program, Family Support Program, along with the Children's Waiver Programs.
Public Comment: Thill reported that Sue Hebel will be resigning her position on December 4, 2009. Thill has accepted the position of Family Care/LTS manager. A Family Care supervisor with a RN degree will be hired.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on February 17, 2010
Adjournment: Pieper moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Moyer, passed by unanimous vote.
Submitted by: Sue Hebel, Long Term Support Supervisor