Human Services Committee Minutes


DATE: November 9, 2009, 5:30 p.m., Room 213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Bowers, Fabisiak, Dippel, Fordham, Endres, Stoeckmann, Sinklair

Members Excused: Vertein

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Box

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Bowers to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Discussion: Please amend previous month's minutes to include Sinklair as Excused. Motion Carried.

Public Comment



CWCAC Update: Joan Fordham attended the October 28th board meeting. Fordham noted that Mr. Evan Littlegeorge who was a member of the CWCAC Board had passed away and family was honored at that meeting. Fordham further reported that the 2010 CWCAC budget came in at approximately 6.9 million dollars, $24,000 to the good due to ARA funding. Fordham further noted that the food pantry is the only deficit program by about $12,000. This reflects figures for a number of county food pantry programs. The budget for CWCAC will be approved in December 2009 and Fordham has copies for those who would like to review it.

Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report and reported the following: W-2 last month was up and was reported as Income Maintenance. This was explained as requested by board members the previous month. In this month's salary and benefits were up due to payroll falling on an odd week. Contracted Labor was up to pay for a psych intern. Brattset noted that there are revenues to offset this increase. Administrative was down due to an adjustment in programs. Community Living and Support Services is down due to not being billed for camps. Community Treatment was down due to Wisconsin Early Autism project bill being paid last month. There was an increase in Institutions due to a new inpatient stay and one new nursing home stay as well as the Lakeview contract payment. Income Maintenance was up due to quarterly expenses paid this month. W-2 was down due to billing this month. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Bowers to approve vouchers at $1,488,453.69. Motion Carried.

B. Discontinuing Personal Care Program: Orth noted that the Personal Care Program as was discussed in the budget was to phase out in 2010. It has come to his attention, however, that Southwest Family Care Alliance has decided not to contract in 2010 with Sauk County Department of Human Services due to a significant gap in the hourly rate versus the MA rate. There are five other agencies in the county to transition seven adults and one child to. Personnel is currently working with Personal Care Workers to discuss other options for possible transitions in other departments of the county. Orth noted that it is unlikely to be able to continue the Personal Care Program due to the contract differences and recommended that this program be discontinued by the end of the year. Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham to discontinue the Personal Care Program with transition to be by the end of 2009. Dollars dedicated for the Personal Care Program will be moved to the institutional budget. Box noted that much of these dollars are contracted with Personal Care. Orth noted that these dollars will be discussed at the end of 2009 when overall budget is reconciled for year end. Fordham noted that some Sauk County employees may lose jobs, however, Southwest Family Care Alliance was setup to provide increased services to more people and this means negotiating with all entities in a community, including the counties. This will meet a better goal to make services more available to all people. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A.B. Mississippi Valley Health Care - Lakeview & Clearview Marsh County Health Care Alliance: Orth noted that a legal opinion on MA supplementation was provided by the State of Wisconsin Attorney General on the Mississippi Valley and Clearview Marsh Alliance projects. The opinion stated that counties can form a commission, however, cannot adjust daily rates or this constitutes supplementation of the MA rate. At this time other options are being explored to look at five years worth of average stays from all counties and charged accordingly on a five year rolling rate basis. This would be via maintaining a commission. Alexander noted that, in addition, rates have gone to $45 per person per day as of the first of the year. Fordham asked what if this does not work out? Orth indicated that the shift to Clearview if Lakeview closes or could result in possible out of state facilities or working to develop corporate adult family homes being designed for these particular clients. Orth noted that he is hopeful that continued discussions will occur which will allow counties to continue in commissions with some financial agreement with Mississippi Valley and Clearview facilities.

C. Personnel Changes: Orth noted that Sue Hebel has resigned to take a position with Southwest Family Care Alliance after 22 years of service. Orth noted that her service has been greatly appreciated and Sauk County Department of Human Services will miss her expertise. Orth also noted that he is working with Gina Thill to discuss promotion to a manager position and the Department will consider to look at a nurse supervisor position for Family Care

D. Mental Health Hospitalization Changes: Orth stated that those individuals under 18 and over 65 who are in Mendota and Winnebago will go on the county's funding after the first of the year. In addition, counties are moving to work with adolescent treatment facilities to allow admissions for crisis cases. Currently there are discussions with Secretary Beecha in order to work to change legislative language to allow involuntary admissions to residential treatment facilities. This project is being spearheaded by WCHSA. More information will become forthcoming in future months.

E. Intoxicated Driver Assessment RFP: Orth reported that there have been four RFP proposals received for the Intoxicated Driver Program assessments. Scoring will occur this week by Orth, Brattset, Kryka, and Boesl. These scores will be tabulated next week.

F. Year End Estimate: Box estimated that the budget through October looks to be $253,155 favorable to budget. This seems to be due to decrease in institution costs, decrease in alternative care, and inpatient. Salary, wages and benefits have also gone down, only slightly. There was a brief discussion that if this coverage continues throughout the end of the year it is likely that the majority of this money would go back to the General Fund.

G. Schools and Day Treatment : Brattset reported that the Sauk County Department of Human Services and a number of county school districts have had several meetings to discuss a possible day treatment program. LSS and several other private providers have presented a number of possible options to include both on and off school property options. This service would be for children with serious mental health diagnosis and designed to keep children in school and in the community. It is anticipated that talks will take place over the next year regarding possible options for day treatment.

H. WCHSA Fall Conference: Orth distributed the Fall WCHSA Conference schedule for board members to review.

I. Ability to Accept Credit/Debit Card Payments: Box noted that Sauk County Department of Human Services is looking into accepting credit/debit cards. They are looking at a vendor which other county departments use at this time. There would be no cost to the department and the user is charge a fee. There is a 24 hour number for clients to use. Sauk County Department of Human Services would have a machine to run credit/debit cards. The agreement runs on a month to month contract basis.

J. Purchase of Vehicles: Orth reported that Sauk County Department of Human Services continues to look into vehicle purchase, however, probably not until the 2011 budget due to amplication timelines needing to be met.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, December 7, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Fabisiak, seconded by Dippel to adjourn. Motion Carried.

Scott Alexander