DATE: Monday, March 23, 2009
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
Kraemer Public Library Meeting Rm.
Plain, WI
There will be a meeting to discuss a possible change in management of the Shanahan Dam, Plain - Honey Creek Dam #2 from an impoundment dam to a dry dam in an effort to reduce the thermal impacts of the impoundment on the habitat in the receiving stream. The meeting will be a public meeting to hear presentations on the biological and fishery status of Honey Creek and the possible change and potential benefits. There may be a quorum of Land Conservation Committee members present to hear local resident comments and participate in the discussion at this meeting but no decisions will be made at this time.
COPIES TO: Linda Borleske, Shawn Posewitz, Tom Kriegl, Randy Puttkamer, Lester Wiese, Kathy Zowin, County Clerk, Webliaison, LCD-Van Berkel
DATE NOTICE MAILED: March 18, 2009
PREPARED BY: Land Conservation Department