DATE: March 25, 2009
County Board Room West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Kriegl, Posewitz, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel, Pohle, Vosberg-LCD. Damos-Baraboo News Republic; Seering- Reedsburg Independent; and members of the public for the hearing.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Posewitz/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on February 12. Motion carried, all in favor.
Public comment not related to public hearing: None.
Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to approve bills in the amount of $14,995.67. Motion carried, all in favor.
Legislative updates: Van Berkel informed the LCC about proposals put forth in the Governor's budget and that Joint Finance is now hearing comments. There is a proposed $500,000 permanent cut to the base funding for staff, which is a serious long-term issue. The budget also reduces $3 million of segregated funds used for nutrient management. It also includes a proposal to change the Land and Water Board to a council. Van Berkel recommended the Committee submit comments regarding the staff fund reduction and the reduction to nutrient management grants. Motion by Zowin/Kriegl to draft a letter for those two items, to send it to Joint Finance, all local legislative representatives, and the Governor. Motion carried, all in favor. Van Berkel to supply an electronic copy of the letter to the LCC to help with their individual letters. Motion by Kriegl/Borleske to also support retention of the Clean Sweep funding. Motion carried, all in favor.
Communications: Van Berkel received notice of a seminar on Emerging Issues in Wind & Energy. Lehman has already been approved to attend representing County Board.
Review of Annual Report for Department: Van Berkel reviewed the department report submitted for inclusion in the County's Annual Report.
Update on Health Care Center (HCC) land management issues: Van Berkel updated the LCC on fertility needs on the farm. The restoration of fertility levels has been neglected at several previous rental period terminations making the issue much more difficult to resolve. There could be considerable county expense to restore optimum fertility levels. We have approximately $7,500 budgeted for farm expenses, but will have to go over because of this fertilizer expense and fencing repairs. Borleske suggested that the next time the pasture contract is up for bids, may want to allow grazing at a certain grass height rather than a first grazing date.
Final approval of Memorandum of Understanding with DNR on NR 151 implementation: Van Berkel noted that the Memorandum of Understanding has been reviewed by Sauk County Corporation Counsel and the DNR attorney, and it ready for approval and signatures. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with DNR on NR 151 implementation. Motion carried, all in favor.
Update on 2009 grants and department staffing: Van Berkel reported that we have received our final allocation numbers from DATCP for 2009: the DATCP staff grant is up $10,000 from 2008 at $184,296, Dell Creek cost sharing is $363,137 (down $3), we have $61,394 for LWRM cost sharing (down $900), $30,000 for nutrient management (a $10,000 reduction from 2008). We have also received a TRM grant for $147,000 cost sharing in Otter Creek for 2009 and 2010. Other 2009 staffing grants are a cooperative agreement with NRCS to help with EQIP for $7,700, a grant to provide nutrient management classes from MALWEG for $13,500 and a grazing grant for $9,000. Our total staffing grants will be up $38,000 over 2008 and the total cost sharing available will be increased by $66,000. At the same time our staffing level is decreased. We may have to push to refill the vacant position to achieve our goals. We will need to discuss this more as we look at 2010 grants, budgets and goals.
Update on meeting regarding Shanahan dam conversion to dry dam and next steps in process: Van Berkel reported that around 20 people attended the public meeting in Plain on March 23. No one spoke to a lost value with the draining of the pond but there was one concern about the additional sediment contribution. Our goal is to improve trout habitat below. The next step will be a formal petition to DNR to change operational agreement to operate as a dry dam. This will be an agenda item at the next LCC meeting to give the Franklin Town Board an opportunity for input.
Committee took a five minute recess before the public hearing.
Presentation on proposed revisions to the Animal Waste Ordinance: Meeting called back to order at 10:05 a.m. by Wiese. Van Berkel presented the background on the Animal Waste Ordinance and highlighted the major changes being proposed in Draft No. 8. Today's comments will be taken into consideration by the LCC and any formal action would take place at their meeting on April 9.
Public hearing on proposed revisions to the Animal Waste Ordinance:
The following persons testified regarding the proposed changes.
In favor:
Joel Gaalswyk, Doug Jones, John McKenna, Joe Prem
In opposition:
John Hasheider, Jeff Sprecher, Linda White, Don Stevens
As interest may appear:
Galen Alwin
Registered but not testifying:
In favor:
Alan Green, Tim Ryan, David Wernecke
In opposition:
John Ederer, Duane Lins, Jason Sprecher
As interest may appear:
David Ederer, John Bauer, Louanne Okapal, Doug Brander, Jamie Brandt, Charles Ellefson, Neil Ellefson, Tim Johnson, Bob Kelly, James O'Neill, Ed Reimer, Karen Reisinger, James Sprecher
Submitted written comments:
In favor: Tom and Kolby Hirth In opposition: No As interest may appear: No
Wiese closed the public hearing at 11:30 a.m.
Discussion regarding testimony received on proposed ordinance: It was the consensus of the LCC to move forward with the proposed changes to the Animal Waste Ordinance. Van Berkel will review the comments and present any minor wording changes to the LCC at their April meeting. If approved, it will then go the April County Board meeting for the first reading and the May meeting for adoption.
Motion by Posewitz/Borleske to delay all of the following reports until the April LCC meeting. Motion carried, all in favor.
A. Land Conservation Department report
B. Natural Resources Conservation Service report
C. Farm Service Agency report
D. Foresters' report
E. Economic Development Committee report
F. Mirror Lake District report
G. Lake Virginia Management District report
H. Lake Redstone Management District report
Motion to adjourn until April 9 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Posewitz at 11:50 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Linda Borleske, Secretary