DATE: August 13, 2009 County Board Gallery West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Secretary Borleske at 9:02 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Kriegl, Posewitz, and Puttkamer from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Wiese and Zowin were absent. Vertein and Stadler-Conservation Congress.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Puttkamer/Posewitz to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Posewitz/Puttkamer to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on July 16. Motion carried, all in favor.
Public comment: Dana Westedt and Gary Williams presented on their experiences at conferences they attended due to the receipt of teacher scholarships.
A. Thursday Note(s) - One was received this morning. Committee members will receive a copy at their homes.
B. Conservation Congress - Their 2010 Budget Request for $1,200 was provided to the LCC. Their request has been included in the LCD budget, and they do not need to appear before the Finance Committee. Vertein and Stadler discussed the budget and Conservation Congress issues. Vertein will be added to future LCC agenda and minute mailings as a means of furthering communications between the groups. Van Berkel noted receipt of a petition regarding the draining of Shanahan Pond, and Committee observed there may need to be another public meeting before the conversion to a dry dam. The Conservation Congress members had not heard any comments regarding the Shanahan Pond.
C. Notice was received from DNR regarding the purchase of 20 additional acres for the Parfrey's Glen Natural Area at Devil's Lake State Park in the Town of Merrimac. No action required.
Legislative updates: None.
A. Land Conservation Department report - Committee reviewed the department's monthly report. There was discussion about a landowner who had a grazing plan with a cattle lane installed with cost sharing in the Town of Woodland. He is not able to use the lane because the Managed Forest Law does not permit cattle on forestland.
B. Natural Resources Conservation Service report - There were two Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program applications funded (one was a pollinator field border around an orchard and the other a prescribed burn). There is open signup for the Conservation Stewardship Program nationwide for operators for five-year contracts starting in the 2010 fiscal year. They will be enrolling 13 million acres nationwide. Average payment is estimated at $18/acre. The owner will need to do some additional conservation measure on their land.
C. Farm Service Agency report - Tomorrow is the deadline for the Direct Counter-Cyclical/ACRE signup program. So far there are 12-15 applications.
D. Foresters' report - None.
E. Economic Development Committee report - None.
F. Mirror Lake District report - None.
G. Lake Virginia Management District report - None.
H. Lake Redstone Management District report - Borleske reported that their annual meeting was on August 1. At the meeting she talked about the Manure Management Ordinance and the four prohibitions. Lake Redstone dam will be repaired before the Mirror Lake dam. Yesterday's meeting of Lake Redstone Management District discussed manure spreading.
Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Posewitz/Puttkamer to approve bills in the amount of $23,509.55. Motion carried, all in favor.
Update on vehicle vandalism incident: Van Berkel informed the LCC that there is a possibility that one of the youth will do community service in the Land Conservation Department.
Discuss compiled results from committee 2010 budget program evaluation forms: Van Berkel presented the compiled results from the LCC and commented on how well it identified the department's priorities, etc.
Approval of proposed 2010 department budget: Van Berkel provided the LCC the proposed budget forms and related documentation. The overall department levy is down from last year despite adding an additional $10,000 cost sharing to make $20,000 available for administration of the Manure Management Ordinance and the inclusion of $75,000 for a Clean Sweep Program. The reduced total is due to a 1.25 FTE reduction in staff level despite the anticipated increase in staff grants.
Update on Gene Hausner appointment to Southwest Badger Resource and Development Council: This appointment is included in the August County Board agenda for approval.
Update on dam repair projects at Redstone and Mirror Lake: Van Berkel noted that Lake Redstone is a high hazard dam because of the potential impact to residences upon failure. Failure of the Mirror Lake Dam has no impact on any residences. Informal opinion from Ayres is that there would be no significant reshaping of the berms required on Redstone. Staff from the LCD provided the slope stability survey for Redstone, saving the county money considerable expense versus hiring an outside firm. There are funds available in 2009 to pay for estimated cost of Lake Redstone dam repairs, and the Highway and Parks budget includes $250,000 to cover estimated Mirror Lake repair cost in 2010.
Consider approval of Contribution Agreement with NRCS: NRCS will reimburse 50 percent of the cost for county staff to design and oversee installation of practices funded through EQIP. Motion by Kriegl/Puttkamer to approve the contribution agreement. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Posewitz/Puttkamer at 11:06 a.m. to adjourn until September 9 at 9:00 a.m. for a joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Committee to discuss the Working Lands Initiative. Motion carried, all in favor. A tentative October 8 date was also established for the October LCC meeting.
Linda Borleske, Secretary