DATE: December 17, 2009 UW-Extension ETN West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Kriegl, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Van Berkel, Stanek, and Pohle-LCD; Krueger-County Board; Eggleston and Richter-TNC; Seering-Reedsburg Independent; Vertein-Conservation Congress and Cahoon-Town Supervisor. Posewitz was absent.
Adopt agenda: Motion by Zowin/Puttkamer to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Kriegl/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on November 19. Motion carried, all in favor.
Public comment: None.
Establish 90 percent harvest deadline for Wildlife Damage Program participation: Discussion by the Committee about the amount of crops still on the field and the options available on setting the 90 percent harvest deadline. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to table this agenda item to the January meeting and see what other counties do, talk to agronomists, etc. Motion carried, all in favor.
Approval of 2009 crop damage assessments for Wildlife Damage Program participants: Van Berkel reported that the assessments are not complete at this time, but the numbers appear to be about the same as last year except for one instance in the Bear Creek/Spring Green area where deer got into the bagged corn.
Tax-exempt land status and implications - Discussion with representatives of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Department of Revenue (WIDOR): Puttkamer as Baraboo Town Board member presented his Town's concerns and questions. Steve Richter and Casey Eggleston from TNC discussed their implementation of tax exempt status and how it is affecting the town and county. Krueger noted that the Executive and Legislative Committee had reviewed the proposal but did not take a position as the issue would impact Sauk County much more at the town level. There was discussion on hunting fees and public access. One issue they deal with is how much access do you give and still protect habitat. TNC holdings in Sauk County run about 1,500 acres in Baraboo, 3,400 acres in Sumpter, and 2,200 in Honey Creek. Puttkamer agreed to forward land sale questions to Richter in the future. Kriegl provided copies of "Public Lands and Property Taxes" by Daniel P. Huegel, WIDOR, to the Committee which addresses how the tax system works.
A. Thursday Note(s)-None.
Legislative updates: None.
A. Land Conservation Department (LCD)report-Stanek highlighted the Working Lands Initiative meetings and efforts and other activities in the department. He addressed manure spreading at the Health Care Center. The lease prohibits spreading on frozen ground to prevent any runoff. Marty Pertzborn is working with another landowner to apply manure. Kriegl recommended the wording be changed to be more descriptive because the soils are not actually frozen.
B. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) report-None. Borleske noted that she received three calls from the public concerned about NRCS parking in the middle of the West Square parking lot. NRCS leases parking spaces in the lot.
C. Farm Service Agency (FSA) report-Puttkamer reported that Brad Schyvinck did not run for the FSA County Committee. Sharon Laubscher won the election to serve as one of three people on the committee.
D. Foresters' report-None.
E. Economic Development Committee report-Zowin did not attend their last meeting. The agenda covered the fiber optic leases and Merrimac bridge study.
F. Mirror Lake District report-Zowin informed the LCC that they had their end-of-year meeting. They are fixing the gullies on the lake with a combination of lake planning grant and Dell Creek cost sharing funds.
G. Lake Virginia Management District report-Wiese expressed his concerns about the lack of noticing meetings, etc. There is supposed to be a meeting in December, but he does not know when.
H. Lake Redstone Management District report-Borleske reported that their meeting was canceled and rescheduled for Thursday. They are looking at buying some of the wetlands in the watershed.
I. Report on Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association conference-Wiese reported he went a day early due the winter storm. Some speakers and attendees did not make it to the conference and registrations were already lower. There was not a quorum for the business meeting so no action was taken. Julian Zelazny reported on accomplishments and budget concerns. In order to balance the 2009 budget, he took about a four-month furlough in 2009. The Board is recommending an added 2009 assessment to balance budget (a later agenda item).
Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve 2009 and 2010 bills in the amount of $56,690.83. Motion carried, all in favor.
Consider acceptance of Clark Creek Grant for watershed study: $30,000 was received through the DNR from a Federal Stimulus Grant. The county will do what they can with this limited amount of money. No action required, just Wiese's signature needed.
Review bids for 1994 Ranger truck and award sale: There were 15 sealed bids opened. The top three bids were: Tim Jackson-$1,550, Brian Simmert-$1,411, Robert Fish-$1,300. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to award the truck bid to Tim Jackson, allowing him three days to complete the transaction and then to continue down the bids if necessary. Motion carried, all in favor.
Update on HCC cropland rental, acreage adjustment and 2010 field repair needs: Stanek informed the Committee that there were two wet areas at the old Health Care Center that were unable to be harvested. The crop is still standing on these 6.5 acres, and they will be removed from the lease. This will result in $975.07 less rent. Stanek noted there are a quite a few rumors going around and asked that questions be referred to him.
There has not been maintenance work done on the fields for some time so there are waterway repairs needed, some washouts, etc. Stanek proposed using the maintenance budget to get a load of gravel for one of the driveways, address two sites right along Hwy. 23 that need light grading, cut trees along one waterway and on a drop structure, and a tile repair. No motion required at this time. Staff will report back in the future on efforts and costs.
Requestfor additional funding support from Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association: Pohle informed the LCC that there is $1,351 available in the membership dues budget line item and the requested dues supplement is still in line with the amount paid by other county departments. Motion by Kriegl/Borleske to pay the $800 additional assessment out of 2009 funds to WLWCA. Motion carried, all in favor.
Approve grant extension for installation of practices through Dell Creek watershed: DNR has approved the extension of the Dell Creek Priority Watershed Project through December 31, 2010 for installations of contracted practices only, no new contracts can be signed. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the extension of the Dell Creek Priority Watershed through 2010. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until January 14 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Zowin at 10:55 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor. February 11 was also tentatively set as a future meeting date.
Linda Borleske, Secretary