Law Enforcement Committee Minutes


DATE: August 11, 2009

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Tuesday, August 11, 2009, at 9:30A.M., in room D102A Community Room, 1300 Lange Court , Baraboo , Wisconsin .

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present: Stevens, Sinklair, Tollaksen, Halfen

Members Absent:

Members Excused: Montgomery

Others Present: R. Stammen, M. Hafemann, R. Meister, J Hueslemann, C. Russo, T. Turnquist, J. Fry, B. Hinze, G. Matthews, Media, B. Campbell

•  Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Donald Stevens at 9:42 A.M.

•  Agenda: Motion by Tollaksen , seconded by Sinklair, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

•  Approve minutes Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Halfen. Motion carried for meeting on July 21, 2009 and for meeting on July 14, 2009

•  Communications:

Handouts- Animal Shelter director appointed-Christian Russo

Deputy Hannagan received a life saving pin for talking a suicidal person into handing over the weapon

Dan Marcou, training specialist, sent a letter commending Sgt. Hanson and Deputy Rabata for the participation in a recent training.

Letter from D. Lemoine thanking our Department for helping with the MDA ride

Letter from USMS Steven Fitzgerald thanking us for our participation in Operation Falcon.

Communication from Sinklair-crime statistics-crime down in the State.

•  Public comment : NONE

•  Appearances : Introduction of Animal Shelter Executive Director-Christian Russo

•  Sauk County Animal Shelter operations update:

2 bat bites-sent in for testing, no response back

7 bat bites this year.

Working with Sheriff's Department has helped with compliance in animal bites.

Wildlife calls-working with rehabilitators on relocation of wildlife

Assisted Baraboo PD with animal investigation

Budget Proposal for 2010-only budget increases are for cost of living and/or shelter services. Major increase in budget was for salary increase for Executive Director. Shelter is funding increases in Executive Director's salaries.

•  Review and approve July, 2009, expenses for Coroner and Sheriff:

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Halfen, to approve payment of the Coroner's expenses for July 2009, in the amount of $2,160.85. Bills discussed. Motion carried.

Motion by Halfen, seconded by Tollaksen to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department expenses for July 2009, in the amount of 162,275.66. Bills discussed. Motion carried.

•  Consideration and approval of Resolution Authorizing Purchase of patrol boat, boat trailer, and motor.

Appearance and presentation from Deputy G. Matthews

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair. Motion carried.

•  Presentation of 2010 Draft Budget.

Coroner's Budget-$992 increase from 2009 budget. Increase due to Salaries.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair to forward budget on to Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Sheriff's Budget- Increase of 3.18% from 2009 Budget

Committee would like to review with discussion next month.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair to forward draft budget on to Finance Committee. Motion carried.

Moved to Item 12

•  Discussion on 2010 Program Grading Sheet.

Handed out will review next month

•  Authorize the Sheriff's Department to hire Hartje Lumber Co. for $5,000 to design, engineer, write specifications and get construction bids on the training center facility.

Sinklair requests to view the specifications when completed.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair. Motion Carried


Tollaksen excused from remainder of the meeting.

•  Discussion of the 2009 budget.

Huber Fees for 2009 have decreased drastically due to economic conditions.

Currently, we have about 20% if Huber inmates working.

Inmate phone system-Company is closing, we were given 30 days notice. Matter has been forwarded to Corporation Counsel.

DSI/ITI Company have expressed interest in taking over.

•  Jail Report

The electronic monitoring report 19 inmates involved 345 offender days, $5,865 billed 1,898.75 3966.25 net

The 2009 DOC Housing report was presented.

Received BJA Grant on Mental Health

Committee was advised of an in custody death. Dane County and Dept of Corrections are currently investigating the incident.

Year to date housing revenue collected is $1,303,329.58.

•  Administrative Report

There were 180 transports in July 2009.

Juvenile transport and housing costs for the month of July were $13,846.28.

In July 2009, there was 1,506 hours overtime.

In July 2009, there was 19 hours of administrative overtime.

Year to date 12,091 hours of overtime and comp time.

Patrol Deputy will be off for 6 weeks

Jail Administrative Assistant resigned as of August 13, 2009

Request for military leave of absence from a Detective for a 5 week period, currently waiting on orders.

Wendy Carns was promoted to fill the Administrative Support Supervisor position on August 10, 2009.

•  Field Services Report

Year to date the County has had 3 fatalities. The most recent fatality occurred in the Interstate.

•  Adjournment

The next regular meeting of the committee was scheduled for September 8, 2009. 9:30am Motion by Halfen, seconded by Sinklair, to adjourn the meeting.