Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday August 12, 2009 5:30 p.m.

Room 213, West Square Building

Members Present: J. Stoeckmann, L. Haugen, S. Clement, T. Kriegl, M. Brown, A.Delong, D. Stehling

Others Present: C. Bodendein, C. Warwick, B. Konkel, J. Vosen

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Stoeckmann. Certification of the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Clement, seconded by Brown to approve the agenda with the 2010 budget review moved to the September meeting. Motion carried.

Moved by Clement second by Stehling, to adopt the minutes of the July 15, 2009 Public Health Board meeting. Motion carried.

Communications: Bodendein distributed The Five Minute Oral Health Report from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Public Comment : None

Business Items for Discussion and/or Action:

•  Vosen presented the mid year childhood lead report and updated the board on the plan development for vaccination of seasonal and H1N1 influenza.

•  Motion by Kriegl and second by Stehling to approve the increase of the immunization rates as presented and to note that individuals who do not have the ability to pay would be given the vaccine as needed for a donation. Motion carried

•  Warwick presented the results of the Home Care Medicare certification and state survey. The three citations were discussed and the plan of corrections presented.

•  Bodendein presented the of Public Health profiles from 2006 for Sauk County . Discussion ensued regarding mortality rates in Sauk County .

Department updates:

•  Financial and monthly reports reviewed.

•  Motion by DeLong, second by Clement to approve the July 2009 invoices of $25,841.29. Motion carried.

•  WPHA/WALHDOB Legislative Update by Haugen

Agenda Items for next meeting:

•  2010 Budget

•  Update on preparedness coordinator

Next meeting date: September 9, 2009 5:30 p.m.

Motion by Brown, second by Stehling to adjourn. Motion carried. The time was 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Stehling

Sauk County Public Health Board Secretary