Property & Resource Committee
DATE: Monday, October 12, 2009
TIME 8:00 a.m.
EMBS Meeting Rm., Rm. C128
510 Broadway, Courthouse
Baraboo, WI
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
- Adopt agenda
- Adopt draft minutes of August 10th, 2009 meetings
- Public Comment
- Communications
A. None
- Business items
- Treasurer's Report - monthly report
1. Resolution ordering County Clerk to Issue Tax Deeds on unredeemed certificates.
- Update on Disposition of HCC Property
1. Update on HCC disposal process - possible resolution.
2. Update on sale of houses at HCC
3. Update on demolition of HCC
- Discussion on placing garbage and recycling units on the Courthouse lawn by BID - Appearance by Bekah Stelling.
- Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
- Monthly Report
- Review and Approval of Deductibles
Departmental Updates - Buildings, Towers & Landfill (Tim Stieve)
- Monthly Report
- Review and Approval of Vouchers
- Review and possible approval of update Tower and Fiber lease fee schedule.
- Discussion and possible resolution approving Lease with T-Mobile on/at Delton Tower site.
- Discussion and possible resolution approving fiber lease with Kentucky Data Link to Lease Fiber Optic cable on county Fiber Ring.
- Review and approval of resolution to complete energy study by Complete Controls for Law Enforcement Center, Courthouse and West Square facilities. Appearance by Complete Controls.
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
COPIES TO: Hartje Dippel Montgomery Posewitz Volz Stieve Gruber Schauf Web Liaison Co Clerk News Media Geoghegan Kleczek Krueger McClary Stelling, Bekah
DATE NOTICE MAILED: October 7, 2009
PREPARED BY: Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Department