DATE: November 19, 2009
The Badger Interim Oversight Management Commission (IOMC) convened at the Badger Army Ammunition Plant Bldg 207 for its regular meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2009.
Chairman Bill Wenzel called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. Staff affirmed compliance with Open Meetings Laws.
Commission Member |
Commission Representative |
Present |
HoChunk Nation |
John Holst Samantha Greendeer (sub) |
No No |
Wisconsin DNR |
Steve Schmelzer Craig Karr |
Yes Yes |
Sauk County |
Bill Wenzel |
Yes |
Town of Merrimac |
Judy Ashford for Richard Grant |
Yes |
Town of Sumpter |
Pete Mullin |
Yes |
Stakeholder Interest |
Stakeholder Rep |
Badger History Group |
Michael Goc |
No |
Citizens for Safe Water @ Badger |
Laura Olah |
Yes |
UW-Baraboo |
Mark Rozmarynowski |
No |
Baraboo School District |
David Haseley |
No |
Bluffview Sanitary District |
Jeff Little |
Yes |
City of Baraboo |
Eugene Robkin |
Yes |
Sauk Prairie Cons. Alliance |
Virginia Metcalf |
Yes |
Sauk Prairie School District |
Marcia Colby |
No |
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation |
Don Hammes |
Yes |
The Village of Sauk City |
Bill Stehling |
Yes |
Commission Liaison |
Liaison Representative |
Rick Walgenbach (Laurie) |
Yes |
U.S. Army |
Joan Kenney |
No |
Others present: Gina Templin, Sauk County Dept. of Planning and Zoning, Alene Klezeck, Sauk County Corporation Counsel, Gail Lamberty, Allison Duff, the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance, David Serafy-Cox, Mary Yeakel, Frank Olah, Dave Tremble, Donna Stehling, Curt Meine, Kim Kates, Senator Kohl's Office, and other members of the public.
Wenzel asked members to review the agenda. Motion by Ashford to adopt the agenda as amended, seconded by Stehling. Motion carried.
Motion by Mullen, seconded by Wenzel to adopt the minutes of the October 2009 meeting. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
No public comment.
Commissioner Reports:
Craig Karr, DNR - working with Planning and Land Use Committee, spoke of owner activity report, and working with Dairy Forage Research Center to determine which roads want to be kept and which to be eliminated. He also mentioned that money will come from asphalt recycling of those roads.
Wenzel asked about reasoning for not taking entire road base, but just asphalt. Karr mentioned that no organic material can be in with the gravel, which is the reasoning behind not taking the entire base.
Karr then spoke of Scientist helping with decision on water reservoirs in the future and genetic studies being done on the salamanders. If they are not rare or can be transferred, the reservoirs can be drained and closed up. He also stated they are working with DNR Attorney and National Park Service Attorneys to work out deed language to get transfer underway. He spoke of roughly 1800 acres, being parcel k is largest piece and the corridor going to the Wisconsin River, as well as parcel L and parcel M. He believed the transfer would take place late winter, early spring. He then concluded his report briefly discussing the assistance to the Town of Merrimac to identify the property boundary of Klingaman property, as they are removing all structures and septic and need to verify they are not crossing property lines.
Ho Chunk Nation -Not in attendance, no report.
Town of Merrimac - Nothing to report.
Town of Sumpter . Nothing to report.
Bluffview Sanitary District . Nothing to report.
Sauk County . Nothing to report.
Committee Reports:
E&F - Wenzel stated there was a meeting Friday Oct 23 at Merrimac Town Hall. Those in attendance included Holst, Grant and Wenzel and others. The committee discussed grants and has been in contact with Congresswoman Baldwin's office /communications with Beloit office.
Allison Duff spoke of coordinating contact and assisting with the Representatives. Sauk County has two reps - Gene Hausner and Lester Wiese, and funding possible. Allison verified that the once communication is established, the information should be taken to the Executive and Finance Committee.
Hammes suggested a staff position funded by the grant.
Other financial possibilities include appropriations, contributions from land owners, money or in-kind from HoChunk, and to be used for a coordinator for education programs and staff person would be top priority, support for master planning.
The group then had questions on who signed the MOU.
Gail Lamberty spoke of the plant reuse plan and she believes that everyone but HoChunk had signed, but unsure if the Governor had signed. Robkin mentioned that Mark Lundgren stated all signatures were on the Reuse Plan but the HoChunk's and confirmed it was signed by the BIA.
Planning and Land Use: Karr provided update and referred to new business item in adopting the propose land use development concept forms and intent to have all groups fill out form/checklist to give the committee and full commission to review the proposal in advance. He also spoke of the development of criteria, goal statements taken from reuse committee report that would be shared with the form for anyone proposing any activity at Badger.
The group discussed the Dairy Forage Center presenting a land use plan similar to that done by the HoChunk and/or DNR.
Education and Outreach : Allison reviewed their meeting schedule and planning going into an event where and they would like the timing to tie into the transfer of lands. She suggested bringing in more people from outside of this group as it is getting tough for the same people to serve on several groups. She also reviewed tours that are being planned.
Ad Hoc Committees:
Cemetery Committee: Nothing to report.
Visitors Center Committee: Nothing to report.
Liaison Reports:
US Army: Joan not present. No report provided.
US Dairy Forage Research Center: Laurie Bucher, representing DFRC in place of Rick,
Spoke of a tour group and looking at ways to be part of future tours. She discussed meeting next month to review funding for summer interns and looking into having that intern work with specialist from the groups at Badger to do things such as take inventory of grasses or check for contamination. She then spoke of a land use plan, which includes crop, woodlands, research plots, etc., and is looking for advice on what the commission would want to see that would constitute a land use plan to them. Suggestions included looking at the HoChunk plan and looking at integration with the property as a whole. It was also suggested for something more long term, as typical farm plan changes from year to year. She then discussed building plans and a report that encompasses all elements of a new facility but will not include drawings, no official plans yet, only conceptual plans. She then reviewed the elements being asked for in a new facility and provided a handout detailing her discussion.
The commission had a large discussion of a visitor center, one as part of Diary Forage Center but also one large one for Badger used by all entities, a manure digester is in the design so it could be added in the future. Large confined animal facility was discussed as meeting the intent of the BAAP reuse plan. Final workshop report due out December 1 st , to be reviewed at the next OMC meeting. Decision making process for Dairy Forage projects was discussed. It was then decided that a sub group and/or the Planning and Land Use Committee be organized to work with Dairy Forage to create a land use plan.
Laura Olah gave environmental updates and info on groundwater standards and public hearings through the DNR (provided post cards to send in for support of efforts). She spoke of cleanup standards and no data on other forms of DNT. Drinking water wells in Wiegands Bay area have DNT detected in their wells also.
New Business:
#1 . Discussion of rail easement. A signed easement has been recorded and officially in place now. Discussion occurred on an information meeting held at the Sauk City Village Hall which included requests from the Mid Continent Rail Museum, the Coop requesting a bridge be reconstructed and/or rail run through the industrial and business park for use in transporting grain and corn to all ethanol plants. Also discussed was the trail system and the hopes of a trail from Dane County to Mazomanie and using rail through Sauk City and eventually connecting the 400 trail. Dot corridor policy was briefly discussed as well as controversy on the statements being made regarding the use of the rail by others.
Virginia Metcalf spoke of a proposal from the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance to be a stakeholder with the BIOMC, ATC and Wisc Dept of Transportation. (Letter presented and will be attached to minutes.)
#2 . Consideration and approval of the Concept Plan, presented by Planning & Land Use Committee .Karr presented concept plan to the group. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Schmelzer to approve the Concept Document Plan form and process to be used for all future land uses at Badger. Motion carried.
Discussion took place requesting a letter from Chair Wenzel to be used with the form respectfully requesting that all entities/land owners within Badger use the form for any upcoming events.
#3. Natural Resources Foundation trips . Allison stated the field trips are in the decision making stage and are looking to do a joint tour with the Wisconsin Alumni Association and Natural Resources Foundation. The tour looking to take place in June of 2010. The group needs to decide what the components are of a comprehensive field trip inside of Badger. 2nd tour discussions are also taking place.
#4. Badger Website through Sauk County Planning & Zoning Department page . Templin spoke of the information that has been passed along to her on ideas that the group has for an updated page. Those items were reviewed and it was also discussed that the County has hired a consultant to redo the entire County page and at that time, the Badger portion will be updated/recreated rather than making minor changes right now. Discussion took place on some of the things that would not be permitted and some other ideas. Once something is able to be created, Templin will provide an overview to the commission.
#5. Next meeting date. Bylaws were discussed and the date provided there. The commission decided to go with the 3 rd Thursday of every other month. Next meeting date will be January 21, 2010.
#6. Public Comment: Lamberty thanked the members from the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance for their strong attendance.
The group also discussed future agenda items, which include: a representative from each commission, stakeholder interest and liaison be present at every meeting and additional stakeholder groups.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Judy Ashford for Richard Grant
Acting Secretary, Badger Interim Oversight Management Commission