DATE: July 14, 2009
Committee Members Present: Cassity, Ashford, Gaalswyk, Netzinger, and Lehman.
Others Present: Mark Steward, Mary White, Dave Tremble, Marty Krueger, Chad Brown, Brent Bailey, Lowell Haugen, Brian Simmert, David Pace, Dave Gawronski, Pat Dederich, Linda Borleske and other interested citizens.
Chairman Cassity requested the Vice-Chair Lehman take the meeting. In Lehman's absence, Ashford called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Staff certified compliance with open meetings law.
The agenda was discussed. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Gaalswyk to delete the report on the steel tank inventory and the report on comprehensive planning activities. It was noted that there would not be a report from the Mapping Department. Motion carried, 4-0.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Cassity to approve the minutes of the June 23, 2009, Committee meeting. Motion carried, 4-0.
Public Comment: None.
Communications: Steward reported on the FEMA maps. The County has 6 months to adopt them. There was brief discussion on an e-mail from Malave regarding the use of his Lake Redstone property. Discussion followed on signs and jurisdiction within cities and villages.
Lehman joined the Committee at this time.
Pat Dederich, County Surveyor, appeared with his monthly report. The monumentation project bids were discussed. Discussion followed on the vendorsthat did not qualify. Dederich was reminded that the Planning and Zoning Committee was his oversite committee. Timely payment of monumentation bounties was discussed. Dederich reported that payments were up to date. Corners needing to be preserved on the Highway 12 and Highway 78 were briefly discussed.
The Surveyor's vouchers were reviewed. The Committee requested copies in the future. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers in the amount of $7,350.00. Motion carried, 5-0.
Vice-Chair Lehman took over the meeting.
Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared and gave his monthly report. The department budget report was reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the vouchers in the amount of $4,776.76. Motion carried, 5-0.
The Planning and Zoning Department had no vouchers.
Mark Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, appeared and gave the department's monthly report. State Budget Chapter 91 and conversion fees were discussed. The six month budget was reviewed. The citation breakdown was briefly discussed.
Chad Brown, Assistant Corporation Counsel, then met with the Committee. Discussion followed regarding a petition to rezone lands owned by Pace Farms, LLC in the Town of Reedsburg from exclusive agriculture to agriculture. This petition already went to public hearing. Conditional zoning and providing assurances was discussed. This needed to be rezoned before going to BOA for final approval. Linda Borleske stated the town wanted the property to be in compliance. The Committee discussed the Declaration of Restrictions on Subdivision and deed restrictions. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Cassity to approve the petition. Motion carried 4-1, with Lehman in opposition.
The next item for discussion was a request by Plum Valley Investmentsto rezone lands from agricultural to a recreational commercial district to allow for an equine facility. The Townof Woodland has approved the request. This will go to the BOA in August if approved. A public hearing was already held on this request. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the request from agriculture to recreational commercial. Motion carried, 5-0.
Dave Tremble then appeared. Funding sources for purchase of development rights was reviewed. Marty Krueger joined the meeting. He stressed use of the money for agricultural working lands. The Sauk County PDR balance of $199,732.00 was discussed. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Cassity to put the PDR balance of $199.732.00 into the general fund. Discussion followed. Once this money was deposited into the general fund it would be hard to get it back. Motion carried, 3-2, with Ashford and Lehman in opposition.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to go into closed session pursuant to 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involvedregarding Planning and Zoning vs. Helen Birkemeier. Staff being allowed to stay during the session. Roll call vote: Cassity, aye; Netzinger, aye; Ashford, aye; Gaalswyk, aye; Lehman, aye.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to go back into open session. Motion carried, 5-0.
The Committee then discussed changes to Chapter 7 regarding sawmills, signs and camping. Mr. Dave Gawronski was allowed to speak. He was concerned about the 20 foot setback from the right-of-way line for signs. Easements were discussed. It was determined that this conversation should be held at the public hearing. Netzinger indicated there were other changes to the ordinance that needed to be made.
Brian Simmert appeared to discuss a renewable energy ordinancehe has been working on. He stressed that this was a draft ordinance and was not specifically pertaining to wind towers. He distributed copies of newsletters of the American Wind Energy Association for the Committee's information.
The Committee then reviewed the plat of Big Hollow Cemetery. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Netzinger to approve the plat. Motion carried, 5-0.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to adjourn. Motion carried, 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ashford, Secretary
Notes by mary white.