DATE: November 24, 2009
Committee Members Present: Ashford, Gaalswyk, Lehman, Netzinger and Marty Krueger as an ex-officio member.
Others Present: Mark Steward, Brian Simmert, Mary White, Steve Pate, Brian Simmert, Brent Bailey, Pat Dederich and Ronald Marquardt.
Vice-Chair Lehman opened the meeting and compliance with open meetings law was certified.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Netzinger to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried, 4-0.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes of the November 9, 2009 Committee meeting. Motion carried, 4-0.
Public Comment: None
Communications: Krueger stated that he had expected to have the vacancy created by Bob Cassity's death filled by this time. He is still working on it.
Steward distributed the 2010 schedule of Committee meeting dates. This will be discussed at the December 8, 2009 meeting.
Steward informed the Committee that the department is starting to see FEMA buy-outs in the Town of Spring Green. FEMA is actually buying the property, not just the development rights. It is expected that this will result in numerous splits because they are just buying the property where the residence is located, not the entire parcel. This property is then taken off the tax roll.
Election of a new chair was then held. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Netzinger to nominate Lehman as chair. There were no other nominations. Motion by Netzinger, seconded by Ashford to close the nominations and elect Lehman as chair. Motion carried, 5-0.
The election of vice-chair was handled next. Motion by Netzinger, seconded by Gaalswyk to nominate Gaalswyk for vice chair. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Krueger to nominate Ashford for vice chair. There were no other nominations. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger to close the nominations. Motion called with 3 votes for Ashford, 2 for Gaalswyk. Ashford elected vice-chair.
Motion by Netzinger, seconded by Ashford to nominate Gaalswyk as secretary. There were no other nominations. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Ashford to close the nominations and elect Gaalswyk as secretary. Motion carried, 5-0.
Steve Pate then appeared and gave a brief monthly report on activity in the Mapping Department Vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Netzinger to approve the vouchers in the amount of $165.09. Motion carried, 5-0. Discussion followed on output measures. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Ashford that the report be accepted for the month. Motion carried, 5-0.
Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, then appeared. The vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger to approve the vouchers in the amount of $4,003.52. Motion carried, 5-0. Bailey reported that volume in his department was the same as usual, but revenue was down. Time share licenses were discussed. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger to accept the report as given. Motion carried, 5-0.
Pat Dederich, County Surveyor, appeared. He had nothing to report. Vouchers were discussed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Krueger to approve the vouchers in the amount of $2,260.00. Motion carried, 5-0. Discussion followed regarding the number of corners that have not been checked and the need for coordinates. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger to accept the report. Motion carried, 5-0.
Planning and Zoning Department vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Ashford to approve the vouchers in the amount of $34,948.12. Motion carried, 5-0.
Brian Simmert, Planner, appeared next. He distributed the work plan for zoning and land division & subdivision ordinances. The time line was briefly reviewed. The approach the department was taking to re-write these ordinances was discussed. Focus groups would be utilized. It will be ready for County Board approval in approximately 2 ½ years. It will not be a highly public process due to the technical aspects of the ordinances. The Committee will be updated on a monthly or every other month basis. Staff time was discussed.
Conversion fees for rezoning out of exclusive agriculture were discussed. This is money that would be due to the state. DATCP, Chapter 91 has had a conversion fee but it hasn't been collected. Sauk County only does approximately 2 rezonings out of exclusive agriculture a year. Motion by Krueger, seconded by Netzinger to continue this discussion at the next meeting on December 8, 2009.
The Committee then went to public hearing at 10:15.
Chair Lehman gave the order of the hearing and the Committee introduced themselves.
The item for approval was a petition to amend the Sauk County Shoreland Protection Ordinance and Floodplain Zoning Ordinance to reflect updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps of the Sauk County Flood Insurance Study prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Steward appeared and reviewed the new flood plain maps with the Committee. He gave the time line and history on the flood insurance map changes. There have been meetings to review the changes and no challenges to the data were received. Steward reviewed the changes being made.
Changes were discussed. The abbreviation of GFP will be deleted on page 13 and on the index. The office only has one hard copy of the maps. They will be in digital form on the website. He explained that the new maps were much better and could be used in the future when a new flight is done. The County was waiting for the final dam breach studies, but, they haven't been approved by the DNR.
Ronald Marquardt appeared. His major concern was the flood damage done by the flooding of Clark Creek.
Seeing that no know else wished to speak, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 10:45.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Netzinger to amend the Shoreland Protection Ordinance and Floodplain Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried, 5-0.
Steward stated that there would not be a joint meeting between the Committee and the Finance Committee. Discussion followed on certain problems that have come up. Lehman and Ashford will meet on December 8 with the Finance Committee to discuss these issues.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to adjourn. Motion carried, 5-0.
Respectfully submitted: Joel Gaalswyk, Secretary
Notes by mary white.