Highway and Parks Committee

DATE: January 14, 2009


1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Meister, Volz, Gaalswyk and Sprecher.
Absent: None.
Also present: Carignan; Stieve; Gary Herritz - Hartje Farm, Home & Tire; Joe Prantner, Cal Brey - Town of La Valle; Lester Woolever - Town of Woodland.
2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister.
Motion carried.
3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Gaalswyk.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comment.
5. Communications.
Sprecher stated that he was questioned why the Highway Department did not sell winter sand in small quantities such as 5 gallon buckets.
No Action.
6. Department: Parks
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve December 2008 bills in the amount of $ 9,304.10.
Motion carried.
b. Discuss and Approve Chapter 10 Ordinance Revisions.
No Action.
c. Approve Request by Hillpoint Rod & Gun Club to hold Fisharee at White Mound Boat Landing on February 14, 2009.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to approve request by Hillpoint Rod & Gun Club to hold Fisharee at White Mound Boat Landing on February 14, 2009.
Motion carried.
d. Approve Request by Hartje's Open Ice Tournament to use the Redstone Boat Landing on February 8, 2009.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister to approve request by Hartje's Open Ice Tournament to use the Redstone Boat Landing on February 8, 2009.
Motion carried.
e. Discuss "Take Me Fishing" Event for 2009. Discussion followed.
No Action.
f. Review Agreements With Town of La Valle and Town of Woodland for Entrance Fee Program.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Sprecher to table item until February Meeting.
Motion carried.

g. Review Agreement With Town of La Valle for Police Services.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to approve annual payment of $ 2,000.00 to Town of La Valle for police service.
Motion carried.
7. Department: Highway
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Volz to approve December bills in the amount of $ 493,874.92.
Motion carried.
b. Review and Approval of Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
c. Discuss Department Winter Maintenance Costs. Discussion followed.
No Action.
d. Review and Approve Selection of Consultant for CTH G Bridge Replacement Design.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve Team Engineering for the design of CTH G Bridge Replacement Project..
Motion carried.
e. Discuss Possible Demolition Project at Sauk County Health Care Center Facility. Discussion followed.
No Action.
f. Review and Approve Resolution Commending Gary Wohling for Years of Service.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to approve Resolution commending Gary Wohling for Years of Service.
Motion carried.
8. Next Meeting. Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
9. Adjournment.

Respectfully submitted:

Halsey Sprecher

Cc: County Clerk
Steve Koenig
Web Liaison