DATE: Thursday, December 17, 2009; 8:300 A.M.
Baraboo/Sauk County UW Campus Meeting Room, 1006 Connie Road, Baraboo, WI
Members Present: Wedekind, Mielke, Geimer, Giese, Kolb, Huffaker, and Haugen
Members Absent:
Others Present: Pleger, Davis, Griffith, Liston, and Janke
Chairperson Wedekind called the meeting to order at 8:300 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Motion by Kolb, seconded by Huffaker to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as amended. Motion carried.
Motion by Geimer, seconded by Kolb to approve the minutes from the November 19, 2009 meeting, as mailed. Motion carried.
Public Comment and Communications:
Financial Report:
No written report was distributed, however, C. Giese, City Clerk, indicated the budget year will end with a positive balance and funds in the designated capital equipment account are unchanged from the report given last month.
Maintenance Report and Approval of Bills:
R. Griffith presented the monthly report and list of bills. Motion by Kolb, seconded by Geimer to approve the list of bills submitted in the amount of $336.28. Motion carried.
Discussion and Possible Vote to Proceed with the Science Lab Pre Design Study:
Chairperson Wedekind informed Commission members of a recent meeting held with representatives from the city and county at which the financial implications of proceeding with the science lab pre design study were discussed; the consensus being it would be premature to expend funds for a study this far in advance of the ability to budget for actual construction.
Consideration of Contracting with Strang to Prepare an Updated Timeline for Implementation of Master Plan:
Discussion followed regarding the need to establish a specific timeline and phasing for future projects and placement in the capital improvement plan for both the city and county. Motion by Huffaker, seconded by Kolb to authorize the expenditure of up to $2,000.00 to Strang for the purpose of realignment of phases in the master plan. Motion carried. It was noted this item will need to be placed on the January, 2010 Commission meeting agenda.
Dean's Report:
Dean Pleger reported on the following:
* UW Chancellor will be leaving the system on July 1, 2010 to accept a position at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. Several initiatives remain to be accomplished prior to his departure, a major one being the baccalaureate degree authority for two year campuses.
* UW System study completed on percentage of grads and degrees obtained.
* Ongoing faculty search for position in Economics.
* Three local students plan to attend UW Scotland next year as well as a professor in 2011.
* Eighteen students will receive Masters Degree via classes through UWLAX in partnership with our campus.
* Appreciation expressed to Assistant Dean, Carolyn Davis, for her years of service.
* Dean's annual holiday event set for January 17, 2010.
Update on Living and Learning Center:
The LLC will meet next week to review the draft brochure.
Motion by Mielke, seconded by Kolb to adjourn and to set the date for the next meeting for Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 8:30 A.M. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:20 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary