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Economic Development Committee
Calendar Date:
Meeting Information
- Agenda
- Minutes

Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
Adopt agenda
Approval of minutes from prior meetings
Public Comment
Placemaking update
Discussion of placemaker/planner proposal(s)
Consideration and possible approval of resolution awarding placemaker/planner contract
Discussion of next steps
Great Sauk Trail update
Review of Great Sauk State Trail Cooperative Plan
Update on Rail Corridor Conversation
Economic development Mission, Vision & Goals for 2017
Placemaking budget – update regarding carryover funds
Budget modification, if any (in A.C. Budget)
Next meeting date(s) and agenda items:
County Clerk
N Johnson
Corporation Counsel
Department Heads
DATE NOTICE MAILED: Thursday, August 25, 2016
PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator
Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact Sauk County (608-355-3269 or TTY 608-355-3490) between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.

Economic Development Committee members present Marty Krueger, Dennis Polivka, Andy Andrews, Doug Ament, Peter Vedro, and Nate Johnson.
Others present Renae Fry, Sarah Pittz, Brian Simmert
At 4:17 p.m. Chair Krueger called the Economic Development Committee meeting to order and certified to be in compliance with the open meetings law.
Adopt Agenda Motion by Polivka/Andrews to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting – July 25, 2016 Motion by Polivka/Vedro to adopt the minutes. Motion carried, all in favor.
Public comment None
Communications None
Placemaking Update
Discussion of placemaking/planner proposal(s)
Two proposals received. Fry reviewd the proposals and project stages/action items proposed by each. MSA focused on marketing element and a team would work on the project. Ganem Consulting proposal focused on relationship building. Sarah Pitz of Ganem Consulting would be the only person working on the project.
Polivka asked those who are working closely on this and what their thoughts were. Fry noted that the focus needs to first be on relationship building and how this can be carried into the future. Polivka wants at least one individual that is on the project and that communities can build a relationship with.
Vedro expressed concern that at this stage there is a need for a dedicated full time staff person. Vedro suggested that we could hire a staff person with less qualifications and use the work plan Ganem Consulting had proposed.
Krueger noted the process to creating a staff placemaking planner position, how there were two qualified candidates, and how the candidates took positions elsewhere. Krueger noted that contracting services will help launch the placemaking effort and position us to continue the effort early next year.
Johnson stated he is comfortable with contracted placemaking services and appreciates the fact that a consultant would have more autonomy.
Ament stated he leans toward hiring a consultant to move the initiative forward.
Andrews noted that hiring a consultant is the only option right now if we want to get started.
Polivka expressed his support and wants to move forward.
Fry reiterated that this will be contracted work and that if we hired a staff person they could leave at any time (no contract).
Pittz spoke about how the proposal for services came together and her personal interest in the community and desire to make the project successful.
Consideration and possible approval of resolution awarding placemaking/planner contract.
Motion by Polivka/Vedro to award the placemaking contract to Ganem Consulting. Motion carried, all in favor.
Krueger spoke about the fall intergovernmental meeting combined with Sauk County’s hosting of the “Just Fix It Night” being promoted by WCCA regarding transportation. Krueger suggested that following the presentation/discussion by WCCA that there may be an opportunity to launch the placemakaing initiative and have a discussion about moving forward. Pittz stated she supports this idea and would like to kick off the process by building excitement and that conveying that the initiative involves working together. The Economic Development Committee will meet on Sept 22nd to review Pittz’s presentation.
Great Sauk Trail Update
Review of Great Sauk State Trail Cooperative Plan
Simmert reviewed the Great Sauk Trail Plan. The plan text and maps may have a number of revisions following review by the DNR. Andrews asked about the Stewardship Grant. Simmert explained the grant. Ament asked about placing shelters along the trail. Simmert stated that the primary goal is to build the trail and that shelters and other improvements can be considered at a later date.
Update on Rail Corridor Conversation
Simmert spoke about the rail to trail conversion process. Krueger spoke about the recent discussions with WRRTC about correct process and procedures for the conversion. Sauk County, WRRTC, and DOT will be developing an agreement to address the salvage value of the rails and ties. Excess value will be given to WRRTC or DOT.
Krueger noted that the milepost for trail conversion was moved into Dane County and includes the rail bridge at Sauk City.
Economic Development Mission, Vision & Goals for 2017
Placemaking budget update regarding carryover funds
Fry spoke about placemaking funds. Discussion ensued about carry forward dollars and maintaining a budget presence. Discussion ensued about the Economic Development Committee having their own budget.
Budget modification, if any.
Discussed under item ‘a’ above.
Next Meeting Date
September 22, 2016 at 4:00
Motion by Johnson/Vedro to adjourn at 6:22 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Andy Andrews
Economic Development Committee Secretary