Registration of Firm Name

You may register your firm name with the Register of Deeds if your firm is a sole propietorship, general partnership, association, or sole trader.  

Before filling out the form, you must check to make sure no one else in Sauk County is using your desired firm name.  Some places to check: 

  1. Listings in the phone directory
  2. Real Estate Index located in the Register of Deeds Office, or online on LandShark if you have an account
  3. Wisconsin Trademark System -

The fee for recording  a Firm Name document is $30.

There is a Registration of Firm Name Amendment form in case you need to make changes to your recorded Firm Name Registration that is $30 to record.

There is also a form for cancelling your firm and that document is also $30 to record.

The form must be filled out completely with notarized signatures and filing fee. Be sure to put your return address and document drafter on the form.  Mail to:

Register of Deeds
Room #122
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo WI 53913