
County Surveyor:

The County Surveyor is available through phone and email.  Please contact him directly at (608)355-4474 or by email at: . Please be aware that the Office of the County Surveyor does not conduct private surveys.

For surveyors wishing to submit tie sheets and/or plats of survey, please mail them to:

Sauk County Surveyor
West Square Building
505 Broadway Room #122
Baraboo, WI 53913

For Surveyors and other researchers needing copies of Certified Survey Maps (CSM's) or Subdivision Plats, please contact the Sauk County Register of Deeds at 608-355-3288

The establishment of twenty-five Global Positioning System (GPS) control stations called HARN (High Accuracy Reference Network) was completed in December 1999. The HARN provides an accurate county coordinate system which will assist with present and future parcel mapping.

To view the Primary and Secondary HARN Stations, including Geographic, State Plane and Sauk County Coordinate information, please see the links below.

59.45 County surveyor; duties, deputies, fees. 59.45(1)
(1) Surveyor; duties. 59.45(1)(a) (a) The county surveyor shall do all of the following: 59.45(1)(a)1.

Tie Sheet Finder icon

The current control point on the surface of the earth and its associated current coordinate value, generally determined by a surveying process and used to define an extremity of a boundary. This application was created to allow searching on the Sauk County Assigned Corner Numbers.  To zoom to area of your choosing, hold the shift key down and drag a square around the area of interest to zoom in closer.


Imagery & LiDAR Data Download icon

Navigate to your area of interest and download Sauk County Imagery or LiDAR data from our newest application!




Plat of Survey App Icon

Search by Town, Range and Section or Survey Reference Number.  Plats of Survey, Mortgage Inspections, Topographical Surveys, Unrecorded Surveys and some affidavits are available in this app.  Certified Surveys are available in the Register of Deeds Office.  Please read the About section within the application for more information and assistance in using the app.The data is provided 'as is' and is for reference only.