
Sauk County Government Buildings and Locations

Dept Phone # Dept Phone #
Dept Phone # Dept Phone #
Accounting (608) 355-3236 Highway (608) 355-4855
Administration (608) 355-3274 Human Services - Baraboo (608) 355-4200
Aging & Disability Resource Center (608) 355-3289 Land Information/GIS (608) 355-3240
Arts & Culture Committee (608) 355-3250 Land, Resources, & Environment (608) 355-3245
Child Support (608) 355-3238 Management Information Systems (608) 355-3555
Circuit Court (608) 355-3214 Parks & Recreation (608) 355-4800
Clerk of Courts (608) 355-3287 Personnel (608) 355-3269
Corporation Counsel (608) 355-3267 Public Health (608) 355-3290
County Clerk (608) 355-3286 Register in Probate (608) 355-3226
Criminal Justice Coordination Council (608) 355-4880 Register of Deeds (608) 355-3288
DNR Forester (608) 355-4475 Sheriff (608) 355-3207
District Attorney (608) 355-3280 Surveyor (608) 355-4474
Emergency Management/Building Services (608) 355-3200 Treasurer/Real Property Lister (608) 355-3275
Extension Sauk County (608) 355-3250 Veterans Service (608) 355-3260
Health Care Center (608) 524-7500 Victim Witness (608) 355-3281