2019 Well Water Testing Program

Clear water running over hands

Residents living in the townships of Ironton, LaValle, and Woodland will have an opportunity to participate in a Well Water Program in the summer of 2019. Participants will learn about their well-water quality and quantity, and what actions they take to protect Sauk County’s groundwater. If you are a homeowner with a private well, it is important that you get your water tested once a year. Groundwater is constantly moving, so a water sample taken today may have different results than a sample taken a year ago. GET INVOLVED and find out what you and your family are drinking.


Pick up a water bottle at your Town Hall on Friday, July 12th from 4 pm to 6 pm or on Saturday, July 13th from 9 am to 11 am.

Pay your testing fees when you pick up the bottle. Please make your checks out to Extension Sauk County.  SPECIAL NOTE:  If you purchase all three tests, there is a reduced price of $123.
Fill your water bottle on set date (Monday, July 15th) – NOT BEFORE and keep it refrigerated!
Return your water bottle to your Town Hall on Monday, July 15th from 7 am to 9 am or 4 pm to 6 pm.
Water test results will be returned and discussed at an educational program at the LaValle Town Hall on Wednesday, August 14th.  Registration begins at 5:45 PM; the program will start at 6:00 PM and conclude by 7:30 PM.

Learn more at : https://sauk.extension.wisc.edu/sauk-county-drinking-water-program/