Timber Cut Notification & Emergency Fire Wardens


2024 Emergency Fire Wardens

Attached below, we are pleased to provide a comprehensive list of approved businesses and individuals responsible for fire safety and management in specific areas of Sauk County. This list identifies the designated Emergency Fire Wardens for 2024, strategically situated near key municipalities throughout the county.


Timber Cut Notifications 

Also, attached below is a printable Timber Cut Notification (Timber Permit) for both timber cutters and property owners. Completed forms should be submitted in person to the County Clerk's Office (located at 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo WI 53913), fax, or by email to countyclerk@saukcountywi.gov



We are here to help if you have any inquiries or concerns. 

Don’t hesitate to call the County Clerk's office for assistance: (608) 355-3286.