Timber Cut Notification & Emergency Fire Wardens


2025 Emergency Fire Wardens

Emergency Fire Wardens issue handwritten annual burning permits at no cost to individuals wishing to burn legal materials in DNR protection areas. 

Burning permits can also be obtained over the phone by calling 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) or emailed instantly by applying for an online burning permit. Then, on the day of the burn, simply call 1-888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) or check online for the daily burning restrictions. For more information about emergency fire wardens, please contact the forest fire prevention specialist.


Timber Cut Notifications 

Before commencing any timber harvesting, it is essential to complete and file a Notice of Intent to Cut with the County Clerk. This notification is mandatory for all timber harvesting on private lands, regardless of whether they are part of the Managed Forest Law (MFL) or Forest Crop Law (FCL) programs.

We have provided a printable Intent to Cut Notification (Timber Permit) for both timber cutters and property owners below. Completed forms should be submitted in person or via mail to the County Clerk's Office at 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913, or by email to: countyclerk@saukcountywi.gov

The current turnaround time for processing an intent to cut notice is one business day.

For further details regarding cutting notices, please visit www.dnr.wisconsin.gov.

Please note the requirements outlined in Wis. Stats. 26.03, including a prohibition on harvesting from lands with delinquent taxes and a mandatory notification period of 14 days before harvesting can commence.


We are here to help if you have any inquiries or concerns. 

Don’t hesitate to call the County Clerk's office for assistance: (608) 355-3286.