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Local Comprehensive Plans
Common Themes
Agricultural Resources
Balance the preservation of valuable farmland and development growth. Promote economic opportunities that support farming and encourage future generations to continue farming.
Create and manage transportation systems that are safe, efficient, economical and environmentally sound that meet the needs of a variety of users.
Land Use
Maintain rural character through preserving farmland and openspace while managing and promoting development in appropriate cases.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance natural and cultural resources. Preserve the beauty, diversity and intergrity of the ecological community.
Safe and affordable housing. Growth is managed so that cultural, natural and agricultural resources are preserved. An increase in the variety of housing and housing for aging residents.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide affordable and efficient facilities and utilities for residents. Enhance accessability to resources. Increase recreation opportunities. Provide valuable utilities that accommodate residents and are in accordance with growth objectives.
Economic Development
Encourage economic activities that compliment rural atmosphere and support current resident's way of life.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Improve communication between governmental units to better coordinate planning and decision-making efforts. Increase participation and communication in and between non-governmental entities including law enforcement, WisDOT and others.
Town of Baraboo
Agricultural Resources
Preserve the overall beauty and resources of the Town by preserving agricultural land, farm operations, and the natural and cultural resources that define the Town’s character.
Transportation policies and programs in the Town are to achieve and maintain a safe transportation system, an efficient transportation facility system, and an environmentally sound transportation system.
Land Use
Preserve agricultural land and farm operations, protect natural resources, and provide for future land uses that are consistent with the Town’s character.
Natural Resources
Preserve the overall beauty and resources of the Town by preserving agricultural land, farm operations, and the natural and cultural resources that define the Town’s character.
Provide safe, affordable housing for all Town of Baraboo residents while protecting the Town’s natural environment and agricultural resources.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide utilities, facilities and services that reflect residents’ expectations and complement the Town’s rural atmosphere.
Economic Development
Encourage high-quality economic development that emphasizes farming, serves Town residents, and respects Baraboo’s rural character.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Promote Improved Intergovernmental Coordination with all surrounding communities and the school district.
Town of Bear Creek
Agricultural Resources
The Town of Bear Creek strives to preserve our farmland and supports agricultural opportunities to ensure small agri-business remains a viable career choice.
The Town of Bear Creek strives to maintain and improve its current infrastructure of 43 miles of safe roads and encourages alternative transportation.
Land Use
Preserve and maintain existing land uses as well as to provide for future land use considerations that will promote the balance among quality of life, property values, environmental protection, and economic opportunities.
Natural Resources
The Town of Bear Creek strives to preserve and protect its natural and cultural resources through good stewardship within the township for enjoyment and use by future generations.
The Town of Bear Creek supports opportunities for housing needs of all income levels, age groups, and persons with special needs while minimizing the loss of farmland.
Community Facilities and Utilities
The Town of Bear Creek seeks to improve our current technological services and encourages the use of our community facilities.
Economic Development
The Town of Bear Creek welcomes total diversity of cultural and professional talents promoting business growth as well as opportunities in recreation, agriculture, cottage industries and tourism, while remaining within the long term goals of the community that complement the Town’s rural heritage.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
The Town of Bear Creek seeks to improve communications with the local, state and federal governmental departments, fire districts, and school districts as well as continue to communicate and cooperate with adjoining townships.
Town of Dellona
Agricultural Resources
Manage existing agricultural land with emphasis on practices, which enhance land value for agricultural purposes
Maintain and improve existing transportation networks. Provide for adequate emergency access.
Land Use
The Town of Dellona seeks to maintain a strong agricultural community, to preserve the Town’s working farm and forest lands, its rural character, natural beauty and resources, (particularly its drinking water supply and surface water quality), and to prevent land use conflicts through the implementation of growth management policies and procedures that encourage well-planned, owner-occupied family housing and attractive commercial development to meet the needs of residents; that provide safe and efficient public infrastructure and services; and that afford landowners the flexibility to make reasonable economic use of their land.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance the Town’s natural resources, including geology, soils, water, open space, forest, wetlands and grasslands, native plant-animal communities, wildlife and endangered and threatened species, with special attention to the Badlands and Dell Creek Watershed. Encourage wise and sustainable recreational, aesthetic, scientific and economic use of resources.
Manage new housing development in the Town to maintain the rural character, while preserving agricultural and natural areas as well as the natural beauty.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and enhance utilities, facilities, services, and cultural and historical resources.
Economic Development
Encourage all forms of agriculture and promote success of residents and businesses in the Town by encouraging the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that reflect and are compatible with the rural character.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Identify and maintain mutually beneficial relations with neighboring units of government, with Sauk County and with the State of Wisconsin.
Town of Delton
Plan not complete
Town of Excelsior
Agricultural Resources
Maintain an economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture industry, both animal and crop based, and farmland must be preserved.
Preserve and maintain a safe and efficient transportation network.
Land Use
Plan, control and manage development that will continue to foster a sense of community, and that will preserve the country flavor of the Township while maintaining a balance among agriculture, natural resources, quality of life and development.
Natural Resources
Protect, preserve and enhance the Town’s natural resources, including geology, soils, surface and ground water, open space, woodlands, wetlands and grasslands, native plant and animals, communities and habitats, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species. Encourage wise use and sustainable recreational, aesthetic, scientific, and economic use of resources.
Have well-maintained housing that will enhance the country flavor of the Town and reflect a balance between housing and natural resources, and housing and agriculture, reflecting a common sense of values and minimize negative impacts on others.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and enhance utilities, facilities, services, and community resources.
Economic Development
Promote economic success of residents and businesses that reflect and are compatible with the rural character of the Town.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Provide essential services appropriate for the rural community through intergovernmental cooperation to minimize costs and maximize benefits.
Town of Fairfield
Agricultural Resources
Preserve the overall beauty and resources of the Town by preserving agricultural land, farm operations, and the natural and cultural resources that define the Town’s character.
Provide a safe, efficient, economical and environmentally sound transportation system that meets the needs of Fairfield’s different users.
Land Use
Regard all land, including bluff areas, agricultural areas, and the other environmental features as irreplaceable resources and ensure that future use does not provide conflict or impair its use or value for future generations.
Natural Resources
Preserve the overall beauty and resources of the Town by preserving agricultural land, farm operations, and the natural and cultural resources that define the Town’s character.
Encourage safe, affordable housing for all Town of Fairfield residents while protecting the Town’s natural environment and agricultural resources.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide utilities, facilities and services that reflect resident’s expectations and complement the Town’s rural atmosphere.
Economic Development
Encourage economic development opportunities that both enhance Fairfield’s agriculture and conservation based economy and respect the Town’s character, resources and available service levels.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Promote improved intergovernmental coordination with all surrounding communities and school districts.
Town of Franklin
Agricultural Resources
Preserve and enhance the farming occupation, productive farmland and related water resources while maintaining separation between incompatible land uses.
Preserve and enhance a safe and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of multiple users while encouraging development near major arterioles.
Land Use
Promote a future land use pattern consistent with the Town’s agrarian and rural character
Natural Resources
Preserve, protect and enhance the rural and natural landscape, water resources, soil and air quality.
Manage new growth so the Town will remain predominately rural in character, while providing for affordable housing opportunities.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and enhance utilities, facilities and services that relate to the agrarian community and rural atmosphere.
Economic Development
Encourage the economic success of Town residents including those who work at home and those who commute to work and school.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Identify and establish mutually beneficial relations with neighboring units of government and Sauk County
Town of Freedom
Agricultural Resources
Maintain existing agriculture lands and encourage agriculture related economic opportunities.
Preserve and maintain a safe and efficient transportation network.
Land Use
Preserve the integrity of the rural community; Encourage cottage industry/appropriate small business; Encourage good land stewardship; Provide buffers, insomuch as is reasonable, between incompatible land uses; Encourage the maintenance and growth of the family farm; Encourage the management of woodlands and wildlife using generally accepted practices; Utilize an organized development pattern, which will minimize conflicting land uses and provide for a controlled rate of development.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance the Town’s natural resources, including geology, soils, water, open space, forest, wetland and grassland, native plant-animal communities, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species, with special attention to the Baraboo Hills. To encourage wise and sustainable recreational, aesthetic, scientific and economic use of these resources.
Manage new housing development in the Town to maintain the rural character, while preserving agricultural and natural areas as well as the natural beauty.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and enhance utilities, facilities, services, and cultural and historical resources.
Economic Development
Promote economic success of residents and businesses in the Town by encouraging the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that reflect and are compatible with the rural character of the Town.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Establish mutually beneficial relationships with the Village of North Freedom relative to housing placement and service provisions and generally extend those relations to include all neighboring units of government including towns, Sauk County the State of Wisconsin.
Town of Greenfield
Agricultural Resources
Preserve the Township’s remaining agricultural land and agricultural business, and encourage new production agriculture or habitat restoration and conservation.
Provide a safe, efficient and integrated transportation system that meets the needs of multiple users.
Land Use
Discourage land uses incompatible with the Township’s agricultural, natural and cultural resources, including the rural and scenic character. Mining operations shall not detract from the Town’s rural and scenic landscape or degrade its natural resources. Maintain and preserve Greenfield’s rural and scenic character. Acknowledge, preserve and enhance parks, recreational opportunities and open spaces in eh Township as assets to the Township, nearby city and village residents and the area tourism industry. Work with the appropriate governmental and non-governmental organizations to plan for and maintain parks, recreational opportunities and open spaces.
Natural Resources
Maintain value and quality of forests in Greenfield Township. The valuable forest resources in the Township benefit everyone and it is to everyone’s advantage that individual landowners manage the forest resources wisely. Conserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas and irreplaceable resources. These include but are not limited to: large blocks of contiguous forest, high and low wetlands, floodplains, watersheds, stream headwaters, riparian forests and bedrock glades, unique wildlife habitat, and/or unique geological and geographical features. Protect soil, ground and surface water resources.
Maintain the rural character and natural assets of Greenfield Township by limiting the amount and managing the location of new housing.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide utilities, facilities and services that adequately and affordably address residents’ needs while respecting and being consistent with the rural atmosphere, and cultural and historical resources of the Township.
Economic Development
Encourage economic development that primarily supports agriculture, forestry and low impact tourism, and preserves the natural beauty in Greenfield Township.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Encourage proactive intergovernmental relationships with the City of Baraboo and other area municipalities as a means to address common issues and plan goals.
Town of Honey Creek
Agricultural Resources
Preserve and enhance farming as an occupation, future agricultural business and productive farmland while preserving natural resources.
Preserve and enhance a safe and efficient transportation network that meets the needs of multiple users while encouraging development to occur near existing transportation infrastructure.
Land Use
Continue to recognize the delicate balance between community growth and the future of Honey Creek’s natural, agrarian, historical and community resources while ensuring that decisions with future land uses serve to maintain and enhance these resources.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance the Town’s natural resources, including geology, soils, water, open space, forest, wetland and grassland, native plant-animal communities, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species, with special attention to the Baraboo Hills. Encourage wise and sustainable recreational, aesthetic, scientific and economic use of these resources.
Manage new and existing housing developments to maintain the rural character, preserve natural and agricultural areas and employ existing infrastructure while providing for varied housing opportunities.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and enhance utilities, facilities, services and cultural and historical resources consistent with the traditional quality of life.
Economic Development
Promote economic success of residents and businesses as well as the agricultural, community, and cultural character of Honey Creek.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Identify and establish mutually beneficial relations with neighboring units of government and Sauk County.
Town of Ironton
Plan not complete
Town of La Valle
Agricultural Resources
Maintain farming and farming opportunities and enhance the farming community by creating an environment that ensures agricultural opportunities and agribusiness as a viable career choice.
Maintain the good condition of existing road networks and be prepared for future residential and commercial transportation needs. Provide for adequate emergency access to serve projected additional growth in the Town of La Valle.
Land Use
Preserve and maintain existing land uses as well as to provide for future land use considerations while recognizing the Town of La Valle’s Vision and all stated goals, objectives and policies in the Town of La Valle Comprehensive Plan.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance the Town’s natural resources and cultural resources, including geology, soils, surface and ground water, open space, forest, wetland and grassland, native plant-animal communities, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species, with special attention to the Baraboo River Valley, Lake Redstone and Dutch Hollow Lake. Encourage wise and sustainable recreational, aesthetic, and economic use of these resources.
Manage new housing development and preserve existing housing stock in the Town of La Valle to maintain the rural character, while preserving agriculture and natural resources as well as the natural beauty.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Economic Development
Maintain and enhance the Town of La Valle’s quality of life and economic stability by promoting its small town atmosphere and business development that serves the Town’s population and supports its visitors and tourists.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Establish relationships with multi-jurisdictional agencies, municipalities and associations that improve the quality of life and maximize the benefit to town residents/landowners.
Town of Merrimac
Agricultural Resources
Preserve productive farmland for continued agricultural use and preservation of Merrimac’s rural character.
Provide a safe and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of multiple users and minimizes impact on landowners and farming.
Land Use
Promote a future land use pattern consistent with the Town’s rural, “small-town” character and emphasizes the preservation of natural resources.
Natural Resources
Protect the Town of Merrimac’s outstanding and regionally significant natural features.
Encourage safe, affordable housing and neighborhoods for all Merrimac residents.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Supply utilities, facilities and services consistent with resident expectations and the rural atmosphere.
Economic Development
Allow for high-quality economic growth that supports farming, natural resource and rural character protection, and serves Town residents.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Develop mutually beneficial relations with nearby governments.
Town of Reedsburg
Agricultural Resources
Protect prime agricultural areas; encourage alternative agricultural businesses, cottage industries, ag-tourism, and ecologically sound agricultural practices.
Cooperate with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to ensure and preserve the safety and functionality of the roadway system; Maintain natural beauty by implementing policies and review opportunities for billboards in the Town of Reedsburg; Maintain and enforce setbacks from road right-of-ways to reduce transportation hazards; Preserve the current condition of the Town’s roads with provisions for upgrades to roads that have the most traffic pressure; Identify, expand and promote the use of trails and paths for alternative transportation and recreational uses including walking, biking and horseback riding; Ensure that all new and existing residential developments provide streets and roads to be interconnected to the existing road networks; guide future development of utilities and community facilities in the Town; improve the appearance of utility infrastructure; maintain and improve the electrical grid system and support the use of alternative energy sources and infrastructure.
Land Use
Promote land use that protects and enhances wildlife habitat; promote the development of a purchase of development rights and transfer of development rights program; restrict unsightly land uses; limit sprawl; etc.
Natural Resources
Support County efforts to protect surface and groundwater water quality and encourage cooperation with the City of Reedsburg to provide water and sewer service beyond the corporate boundary; encourage the expansion of fiber optics into the rural area; encourage cooperation with Sauk County and the City of Reedsburg to expand recreational opportunities in the Town and preserve the Baraboo River Corridor and other waterways
Provide a range of housing choices; preserve and protect the natural agricultural quality of the township.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Economic Development
Stabilize, retain, and expand the economic base and quality of employment opportunities; encourage farming as an occupation and farm related businesses that compliment the Town’s rural setting; prohibit large commercial and industrial development outside of the Town’s transition area; promote alternative agricultural endeavors; support cost effective, well rounded and innovative schools; Cooperate with the City of Reedsburg to identify and improve industrial traffic routes in order to discourage truck traffic on Main Street.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Limit annexations by the City of Reedsburg by encouraging intergovernmental cooperation and improved communication opportunities through formal agreements; Strive to improve relations with all levels of government; Work with the DNR to promote recreational opportunities that utilize the Baraboo River and promote bike trail opportunities; Encourage participation and partnership with governmental programs that enhance good stewardship of the land, air and water; Utilize the County’s University of Wisconsin Extension and the Sauk County Development Corporation resources and expertise to assist the Town in stimulating economic growth including the expansion of cottage industries, alternative agricultural practices and agriculture tourism; Continue to pursue cooperation between governmental bodies to ensure appropriate funding for our own infrastructure such as roads, power etc.; Work with Sauk County to return non-essential county land to the tax base; Continue to work with Sauk County in areas related to growth management, plan implementation and local and county ordinance development; Work with agencies like the Wisconsin DNR….to implement programs and solutions that protect and enhance the quality of water, air and land resources.
Town of Spring Green
Agricultural Resources
Protect and preserve the Town's productive agricultural resources. Encourage conservation farming practices that minimize pollution of our surface water and contamination of our soil. Protect and preserve the Town’s productive forest resources. Encourage woodland practices that stimulate quality woodlands sustainable for the future.
Establish and maintain a safe, orderly, and efficient transportation system. Balance traffic flow and safety issues with community quality of life, and the rural and/or residential character of much of the Town of Spring Green
Land Use
The Town of Spring Green will promote an overall pattern of development that reflects the vision of the community by maintaining its rural character and agricultural base as well as being visually appealing, safe, and an enjoyable atmosphere.
Natural Resources
Preserve Spring Green's natural resources of woodlands, prime agricultural lands and surface waters with the environmental and economic impacts of land use to provide for a long-lasting, high quality natural setting. Preserve and protect the quality of the Town's lakes, rivers, and streams, and provide for adequate green space near water resources. Work with local landowners, Sauk County Land & Water Conservation Department, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and other partners to minimize run-off, erosion and contamination in Spring Green, and to minimize the impact of development on shore land
Limit future residential development to those areas best suited for development, where infrastructure is presently located, or can be economically provided. Encourage a variety of housing alternatives for all ages, family sizes, life styles, and income distinctions.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide for the coordinated development of community facilities to match the changing needs of the Town population (e.g., recreation, senior, child care facilities).
Economic Development
Generally, the Town of Spring Green supports business development in areas designated for commercial, retail, and service growth. Commercial development should be encouraged to locate in areas where urban services can be provided economically without creating land use conflicts. A system of quality commercial development that provides local residents with needed goods and services should be encouraged. Commercial improvements should complement existing and future residential development.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Encourage the coordination and cooperation among the Town, Village, Sauk County, the school district, and the state to ensure continuity and consistency in current and future planning efforts. Communicate with the Town's neighbors to explore and establish shared interests and goals for land use, conservation, and development. Collaborate with partners to develop and adopt effective land use controls and tools to control and direct future developments.
Town of Sumpter
Agricultural Resources
Preservation of prime agricultural lands and the picturesque rural countryside. Promotion of cooperation between agricultural and nonagricultural based residents aimed at facilitating and fostering a strong positive relationship as changes occur in the agricultural industry. Promotion of long-range planning and alternative land use policies which are consistent with the Town’s current character.
Promotion of orderly, economical, and diverse development that is centralized in areas where development currently exists and that can be managed by the local government in the future.
Land Use
Preservation of prime agricultural lands and the picturesque rural countryside. Promotion of orderly, economical, and diverse development that is centralized in areas where development currently exists and that can be managed by the local government in the future. Preservation and protection of the natural, environmental, educational, cultural and historical values of the land and all its inhabitants. Promotion of cooperation between agricultural and nonagricultural based residents aimed at facilitating and fostering a strong positive relationship as changes occur in the agricultural industry. Promotion of the Badger Reuse Plan in an effort to change negative perceptions to strong positive attitudes to more accurately reflect the views of the facility by a nation at war in a time of great worldwide need, and to serve as a constant reminder of what can and did happen when leaders of any people revert to violence. Promotion of long-range planning and alternative land use policies which are consistent with the Town’s current character.
Natural Resources
Preservation and protection of the natural, environmental, educational, cultural and historical values of the land an all its inhabitants. Preservation of prime agricultural lands and the picturesque rural countryside. Promotion of the Badger Reuse Plan in an effort to change negative perceptions to strong positive attitudes to more accurately reflect the views of the facility by a nation at war in a time of great worldwide need, and to serve as a constant reminder of what can and did happen when leaders of any people revert to violence. Promotion of long-range planning and alternative land use policies which are consistent with the Town’s current character.
Promotion of orderly, economical and diverse development that is centralized in areas where development currently exists and that can be managed by the local government in the future. Preservation of the natural, environmental, educational, cultural and historical values of the land and all of its inhabitants. Promotion of cooperation between agricultural and non-agricultural based residents aimed at facilitating and fostering a strong positive relationship as changes occur in the agricultural industry. Promotion of long-range planning and alternative land use policies which are consistent with the Town’s current character.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provision of accessible representation and affordable services that will enhance the quality of life of our diverse community. Promotion of cooperation between agricultural and non-agricultural based residents aimed at facilitating and fostering a strong positive relationship as changes occur in the agricultural industry. Promotion of long-range planning and alternative land use policies that are consistent with the Town’s current character.
Economic Development
Be actively involved with the reuse of Badger Army Ammunition Plant as it pertains to adding to the tax base for the Town of Sumpter. Encourage and support commercial enterprises including retail, tourism and service industries that can be used by residents, Highway 12 motorists, and local employees. Preserve rural agricultural community and allow for the diversification of economic opportunities through encouraging the development of appropriate agrarian, home occupation and cottage industries that will augment farming activities. Enhance and preserve eco-tourism opportunities.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Work with local governments, state and federal agencies and school districts on land use issues and other matters of mutual concern. Actively participate in the establishment of the Oversight and Management Board at the Badger Army Ammunition Plant to help ensure the realization of the Badger Reuse Plan. Work with other local units of government and school districts to cooperatively develop a capital improvement plan for the next 20 years that will meet the needs of the residents and that minimizes the financial impact on tax levies.
Town of Troy
Agricultural Resources
Preserve our farmland and enhance the strong farming community that creates a socio-economic environment, which supports agricultural opportunities to ensure agri-business as a viable career choice.
Maintain and develop the Town of Troy’s transportation infrastructure consistent with its rural character and to accommodate further recreational opportunities.
Land Use
- Establish a density policy to determine the number of residential homes which can be built in the Town.
- Develop a density policy and home siting standards that preserve agricultural lands, farming operations, contiguous forested blocks, and significant natural resources as well as the overall view and character of the Town.
- Restrict unsightly land uses such as quarries, stripping of top soil, mining, etc.
- Encourage landowners to participate in programs that protect and restore stream banks such as CREP and other water resource management programs.
- Establish new programs that allow a greater flexibility in agribusiness development to ensure the preservation of the Town’s rural landscape and agricultural tradition.
- Establish new programs that allow a greater flexibility for non-farm development while preserving the Town’s rural landscape and agricultural tradition 7
- Maintain the rural and cultural character of the Town by implementing programs that maintain and preserve historical buildings and sites within the Town
Natural Resources
Promote, protect and enhance farming enterprises, unique natural resources, recreation and areas of historic and community significance.
To provide opportunities for housing needs of all income levels, age groups, and persons with special needs with minimizing the loss of farmland.
Community Facilities and Utilities
The Town shall encourage local utilities and other providers to upgrade services while pursuing partnerships with surrounding towns to maintain and improve community services.
Economic Development
The Town of Troy will encourage economic development that supports the retention of its current economic base and will support the creation of non-farm economic opportunities that do not conflict with the Town’s rural character.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
To have better communication with the local and state governmental departments, including financial requests and mandates. To communicate and cooperate with adjoining townships with respect to roads and waterways.
Town of Westfield
Agricultural Resources
Preserve farmland and enhance agricultural opportunities, making them a viable income source.
Maintain existing transportation infrastructure and ensure the safety of the future traveling public and support the development of roadways for future advances in agriculture.
Land Use
- Manage the growth and placement of new housing and commercial development, in relation to existing and new public infrastructure
- Promote a strong agricultural community and farmer’s right to farm.
- Preserve the overall natural beauty and resources of the town.
- Preserve the rural character of the town.
Natural Resources
The Town of Westfield shall protect and preserve water resources, natural features and scenic views.
Provide housing opportunities that preserve farmland, rural character and emphasize the right to farm.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain and improve utilities, community resources and facilities that benefit town residents through modernization and alternative energy solutions.
Economic Development
Sustain and enhance economic opportunities, especially those that are complimentary to agriculture and tourism.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Promote intergovernmental cooperation that maximizes the benefit of the town residents and minimizes the direct cost to the Town.
Town of Winfield
Agricultural Resources
Maintain existing agricultural lands and promote agriculture related economic opportunities.
Assure current and future transportation needs are addressed in accordance with the Town of Winfield’s Comprehensive Plan.
Land Use
Achieve a blend of land uses that accommodates development necessary to sustain and enhance the Town’s economic vitality and quality of life, and to protect public safety. Maintain a level of local control, assuring compliance with state and county regulations, to guide public and private land use decisions that respect the rural character of the Town and adjacent regions, along with the rights of private property owners and residents.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance the Town’s natural and cultural resources, including geology, soil, water, open space, forest, wetland and grassland, native plant-animal communities, wildlife, and endangered and threatened species. Guide residential growth in a way that sustains recreational opportunities, aesthetics and economic use of resources.
Encourage residential housing that aims to balance the protection of Winfield’s natural resources and its existing rural flavor.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Achieve consistently high-level public utilities services for all town residents. Maintain and expand civic and recreational facilities; protect environmentally sensitive areas and cultural resources. Promote the availability of educational opportunities, and protect the safety and property of town residents with adequate law enforcement and emergency services.
Economic Development
Create jobs and maintain the tax base by encouraging all forms of agriculture and small, safe, low impact, low density commercial businesses, cottage industry and home occupations that are compatible with Winfield’s agricultural economy, and that enhance and preserve Winfield’s natural beauty and rural character.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Identify and maintain mutually beneficial relations with neighboring units of government, with Sauk County and with the State of Wisconsin.
Town of Woodland
Plan not complete
Sauk Prairie Joint
Agricultural Resources
Preserve production farmland and farming as an occupation for future generations.
Provide a safe an efficient transportation system that meets the needs of multiple users. Encourage and advance long-range planning for major highways, particularly Highway 12.
Land Use
Promote a mixed future land use pattern consistent with the Sauk Prairie area’s character and the provision of a diverse living environment and economy. Manage the extent, pace, character, and type of new growth in a manner that preserves the quality-of-life and type of community that area residents’ expect. Preserve agricultural land, farm operations, and the rural character of the Town.
Natural Resources
Protect the Sauk Prairie Area’s important natural resources, focusing particularly on water quality and wildlife habitat.
Provide for residential growth to promote a suitable living environment for all residents.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Preserve the Sauk Prairie area’s sense of community and quality of life by maintaining and enhancing access to public services and facilities.
Economic Development
Emphasize the Sauk Prairie area as a local center of jobs, shopping, and services, while preserving the character of the communities.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Enhance mutually beneficial relationships among the three communities, with nearby and overlapping governments, and the Sauk Prairie Area School District.
Village of Ironton
Plan not complete
Village of Lake Delton
Agricultural Resources
The relief of congestion on Village roadways. Continued development and improvement of a Village trail system. The long-term development of alternative methods of transporting visitors around the community and the region, specifically during the busy summer months.
Land Use
Work to assure a range of housing opportunities so that people are enabled to live affordably in the community in which they work. Continue efforts to position the Village as a year-round destination community. Continue efforts to manage lakefront property as a general community resource while respecting the rights and privileges of private ownership.
Natural Resources
Goal: Maintain and preserve the natural scenic resources along the Wisconsin River corridor. Develop a river walk multi-use trail to take advantage of the natural beauty of the river, and provide a local activity/recreation corridor. Develop a bike trail to link area attractions and provide a local access route for visitors and residents to explore the natural surroundings. Maintain visual character of Lake Delton while also allowing appropriate development of the local shoreline.
The development of a sufficient supply of elderly housing units to serve the Village’s residents. The development of home ownership opportunities for residents of all income levels within the Village of Lake Delton
Community Facilities and Utilities
The development of ordinances that blend well with other surrounding jurisdiction’s ordinances, providing consistency to communities and private entities. Maintain and improve the Village’s utility systems, including sanitary sewer, water, and storm water. Efficient provision of services to Village of Lake Delton residents. Work with the Delton School District to ensure that the Village and School District both have their needs met. Adequately budget for the maintenance of new roads, as they are developed. Adequately address the equipment and facility needs of the Lake Delton Street Department. Maintaining police department staff training levels so as to comply with changing State and Federal regulations, while keeping abreast of new technology. Fully address staffing needs to deal with increased year round tourism, as well as the increase in permanent residents. Keeping fire department equipment updated as the department’s needs change, and as technology changes. Maintaining fire department staff training levels so as to comply with changing State and Federal regulations, while keeping abreast of new technology. Establish fire codes for the Village of Lake Delton and the Town of Delton. Address the staffing needs of the Delton Fire Department. Address the space needs of the Delton Fire Department. Maintain adequate space in municipal structures to meet the Village’s space needs, as it continues to grow in size and population. Maintain adequate staffing levels in the Village to ensure the effective provision of municipal services.
Economic Development
Goal: Continue efforts to position the Lake Delton area as the leading tourism destination in the Midwestern United States. Continue to develop infrastructure that accommodates and encourages future development and growth. Develop multi-modal transportation options that encourage movement and access throughout the Dells area. Maintain and enhance existing service and retail operations to serve residents of the Village and the surrounding area. Develop and enhance health care services and facilities to accommodate increasing demands for advanced and accessible service. Establish housing options, especially affordable single-family homes, to attract the diversity of workers necessary to maintain a vibrant local economy. Continue to invest revenue generated through the room tax in the Visitor and Convention Bureau to enhance local marketing and promotion efforts
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Enhance communication with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation especially as related to long-term development of transportation needs. Address and enhance local safety. Effectively communicate Village desires concerning STH 12. Study the economic impact of greater service consolidation with other levels of government. Maintain the effective working relationship with the Town of Delton. Continue to maintain and enhance the working relationships with the surrounding communities for effective and efficient service provision.
Village of La Valle
Agricultural Resources
Preserve active farmlands. Maintain agricultural heritage.
Be an active participant in the redevelopment of STH 33/58. Encourage the maintenance and promotion of the “300” State Trail. Effectively maintain current transportation facilities. Indicate routes to local landmarks and resources. Develop increased parking options.
Land Use
Maintain current density levels. Update current zoning regulations. Develop a subdivision ordinance. Maintain plentiful open spaces and natural areas.
Natural Resources
Maintain quality and diversity of natural areas. Provide opportunities for safe access and activity along the Baraboo River.
Increase the quantity of senior housing within the community. Utilize available home repair programming monies to address ageing housing stock. Determine appropriate locations where new residential lots should be developed.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain strong infrastructure. Improve local code enforcement. Provide recreational opportunities for Kids. Provide recreation facilities for residents.
Economic Development
Maintain and enhance small business community. Identify ways to capitalize on proximity to Reedsburg/Dells area. Promote the area with unique retail and tourist events.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Increase local police enforcement. Increase communication with local entities. Remain active in the STH 33/58 reconstruction.
Village of Lime Ridge
Agricultural Resources
Preserve active farmlands.
Be an active participant in the County Highway decision-making. Explore development of a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to formalize roadway and other infrastructural improvements. Effectively maintain current transportation facilities.
Land Use
Maintain current density levels. Separate incompatible land uses. Explore development of a land division ordinance.
Natural Resources
Maintain quality and diversity of natural areas. Encourage protection of Narrows Creek Watershed.
Increase the quantity of senior housing within the community. Identify and provide home repair programming to address aging housing stock. Determine appropriate locations, or specific houses to target for redevelopment.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain existing infrastructure. Upgrade sanitary sewer system. Improve code enforcement. Explore development of an emergency warning system.
Economic Development
Enhance agricultural business community. Attract a local convenience store/gas station. Encourage small business development.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Increase local police response. Increase communication with service providers.
Village of Loganville
Plan not complete
Village of Merrimac
Agricultural Resources
Preserve active farmlands.
Be an active participant in the redevelopment of STH 78. Encourage the development of a bridge. Effectively maintain current transportation facilities. Maintain good municipal traffic flow and access.
Land Use
Maintain current density levels. Update current zoning regulations. Maintain plentiful open spaces, and natural areas. Develop an extraterritorial agreement procedure.
Natural Resources
Maintain quality and diversity of natural areas. Provide opportunities for safe access and activity in Lake Wisconsin.
Increase the quantity and quality of senior housing within the community. Identify and provide home repair programming to address aging housing stock. Determine appropriate locations where new residential lots should be developed. Determine appropriate options for increasing affordable housing.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain current utility infrastructure (water, sewer, electric, telephone). Improve local code enforcement. Maintain vitality of local public and semi-public facilities. Provide recreation facilities for residents. Maintain local emergency response facilities and resources.
Economic Development
Maintain and enhance small business community. Identify ways to capitalize on proximity to Baraboo/Sauk Prairie area. Promote the area to unique restaurant and retail developers.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Increase local code enforcement. Increase communication with the Town of Merrimac. Increase interaction with the Department of Transportation.
Village of North Freedom
Agricultural Resources
Preserve active farming, agricultural heritage within the region.
Effectively maintain current transportation facilities. Indicate routes to local landmarks and resources. Effectively maintain railroad system viability throughout the area. Identify opportunities for linkages to area recreational trails. Position the Village with appropriate linkages to USH 12. Increase transportation access for seniors
Land Use
Identify additional areas for industrial development. Expand commercial district. Clarify zoning code classifications. Develop additional subdivision regulations for specialized districts.
Natural Resources
Maintain quality and diversity of natural areas. Provide opportunities for safe access and activity along the Baraboo River. Maintain quality of Baraboo River Corridor.
Increase the quantity of senior housing within the community. Increase utilization of home repair programming to address aging housing stock. Determine appropriate locations where new residential lots should be developed. Maintain single-family as the primary type of residential development. Work to maintain moderate housing prices.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Maintain sufficient utility services. Improve local code enforcement. Maintain local public buildings/equipment. Provide recreation facilities for residents.
Economic Development
Designate a business improvement district. Encourage development in the tax increment finance district (TID). Become more of a regional destination for tourism within Sauk County. Encourage development of industry. Redevelop downtown North Freedom. Increase local employment opportunities.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Increase local police presence. Increase communication with local entities. Remain active on committees working to improve and enhance the Baraboo River Waterway. Explore cooperative sewer district facilities development with Village of Rock Springs. Reestablish discussions with the WDNR concerning “canoe trail” development along the Baraboo River. Discuss possibilities of annexation with the Towns of Freedom, Excelsior. Explore extension of water utilities to the Mid-Continental Railroad Museum.
Village of Plain
Plan not complete
Village of Spring Green
Agricultural Resources
Provide safe and efficient vehicular, rail, bicycle and pedestrian transportation facilities in the Village.
Land Use
Manage growth and development in and around the Village of Spring Green in a manner that preserves and protects the natural resources of the area, creates a strong coherent community, and preserves the unique character of the Spring Green area.
Natural Resources
Preserve the natural and cultural resources of the Village of Spring Green so that they can be enjoyed and preserved without diminishment for future generations.
Provide high quality housing in the Village that offers a range of housing opportunities for households with different income levels and ages, that preserves the unique character of the Village, and that is cost-effective to serve with public utilities and services.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Provide safe, efficient and cost effective public utilities, facilities, and services.
Economic Development
Promote strong retail, service and industrial businesses in the Village that serve local and regional residents and tourists visiting the area.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Continue to maintain effective coordination with Sauk County, Town of Spring Green, River Valley School District, and other Federal, State and local units of governments and agencies.
Village of West Baraboo
Waiting on Data
City of Reedsburg
Agricultural Resources
Promote development so as to preserve prime farmland.
Develop and maintain a well-integrated and cost-effective transportation system within the City of Reedsburg and its extraterritorial planning area that is capable of moving people to, from, and within the community an a safe and efficient manner.
Land Use
Encourage a more coherent, consistent land use pattern within the City of Reedsburg and its extraterritorial planning area, with community growth and development occurring in an organized, economically efficient and environmentally sound manner.
Natural Resources
Preserve and enhance the natural resources that make the City of Reedsburg a desirable place to live, visit, and do business, while encouraging development in suitable areas.
To encourage a high quality living environment in all neighborhoods and to assure an adequate supply of decent, safe, affordable, and sanitary housing for all within the City of Reedsburg
Community Facilities and Utilities
The City will plan for and provide public utilities to promote efficient, economical, and orderly growth and development for the community. Where not available, City utilities should be phased in accordance to their system master plans. Maintain and provide public and community facilities and services to make the City a safer and more attractive community in which to live, work play and raise a family.
Economic Development
The City has a vibrant and historic central business districts as well as other commercial areas and will encourage a variety of commercial developments within these districts. The natural beauty surrounding the City will be utilized to build on its diverse economy, including strong healthcare, retail trade, service elements, manufacturing, and tourism.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
The City will encourage the cooperation with adjacent local governmental units and those agencies with overlapping jurisdiction to assure a more coordinated planning and decision-making effort.
City of Baraboo
Agricultural Resources
Work with surrounding Towns and the Village of West Baraboo to preserve agricultural uses tin mutually agreed areas.
Provide a safe and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of multiple users in and around the City. Develop and maintain a comprehensive system of bicycled and pedestrian facilities in the Baraboo area.
Land Use
Enhance and maintain the City’s unique neighborhoods. Enhance and maintain the City’s downtown area. Maintain the City as a predominantly single family community. Create an efficient and sustainable development pattern.
Natural Resources
Protect and enhance natural features and ecological systems in the City’s planning area.
Provide for residential growth with a variety of housing types, densities, arrangements, and costs to promote a suitable living environment for all residents.
Community Facilities and Utilities
Preserve the sense of community and quality of life in Baraboo by promoting an effective and efficient supply of utilities, facilities, and services that meet the expectations of City residents and businesses. Coordinate utility and community facility systems planning with land use, transportation, natural resources, and recreation planning.
Economic Development
Attract and retain businesses that enhance Baraboo’s desired “small town” character and build upon existing strengths. Strengthen and diversify the non-residential tax base and employment opportunities.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
Develop/maintain mutually beneficial relations with adjacent and overlapping governments
City of Wisconsin Dells
Waiting on Data