County Online Services

Sauk County provides a number of online applications which provide access to information and resources maintained by the County. From this page you will be able to access these services.

Search Online Services

Board of Adjustment
The Sauk County Board of Adjustment hears requests for special exception permits, variances and administrative appeals from the Sauk County ordinances. 
Sauk County Development Corporation
Detailed information about buildings, sites and locations for businesses looking to expand.  
Clerk of Courts
Use CCAP to search for your case in the Wisconsin Court System.
Sheriff's Office
Sales are conducted @ 10AM on Tuesdays on the front steps of the Sauk Co Courthouse at 515 Oak Street, Baraboo, WI 53913. All sales are subject to cancellation or rescheduling up to the time of sale. Successful bidders are required to have the funds on their person; down payment funds need to be made out to the CLERK OF COURTSFor full details read the terms of sale and the PDF file attached at the bottom of this listing; also refer to the legal announcements in the News Republic or one of the posting sites
Land Resources and Environment
GIS Zoning Application image
The following link will take you to the GIS Website/Zoning Application.  For assistance, please contact Joe Fleischmann or Sally Cobb in the GIS/Mapping Department @ 608-355-3570 or 608-355-3562.
Land Resources and Environment
                                                         NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                                                    BEFORE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT       STATE OF WISCONSIN  )                                          )  SS. SAUK COUNTY              )   TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
Planning and Zoning
Zoning Districts Map
Zoning districts established by this ordinance are shown on the official zoning map of Sauk County, which is made part of this ordinance by reference. Where the official zoning map does not indicate a zoning district for a particular area, the area is either within the corporate limits of a city or village, within extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction by a city or village, under the jurisdiction of town zoning, or is not zoned. The official zoning map of Sauk County is a digital compilation within the county’s geographic information system.
Land Information GIS
Icon for Sauk County Open Data Portal
Per Resolution 98-14, Sauk County is now offering  digital GIS data free of charge when downloaded from the Open Data Repository. This portal will allow you to browse the datasets and download them in Spreadsheet, KML, Shapefile or API format.   The data is updated on an As Needed basis and new datasets will be made available in the coming months. The data is provided 'as is' and is for reference only.  
Clerk of Courts
In Person at Clerk of Courts Office: Cash, Check or Money order Debit or Credit Card--(convenience fee assessed & ID required)  By Mail (Include your case number or citation number): You may pay by check or money order by mail.  Payments should be sent to: Sauk County Clerk of Courts 510 Broadway  Baraboo WI  53913 By phone:
** SECOND INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY JULY 31**   The convenience fees to pay online are as follows (charged by MSB): Credit/Debit Card 2.39% of the amount of the transaction VISA Debit Card $3.95 flat fee per transaction Electronic Check  $1.50 per transaction (up to $10,000)  
Property Tax Info (ALRS)
  All property assessment and tax information may be found on our "Ascent Land Records System (ALRS)" site.  Scroll down to "Supporting Documents" to find the instructions and under "Web Links" you will click on "ALRS" to get to the search screens.
Land Resources and Environment
NOTICE      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on July 24, 2018, at 9:15 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the County Board Room at the Sauk County West Square Building in the City of Baraboo to consider: 
Land Resources and Environment
NOTICE      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on July 24, 2018, at 9:15 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the County Board Room at the Sauk County West Square Building in the City of Baraboo to consider: 
Land Resources and Environment
NOTICE      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Committee of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on July 24, 2018, at 9:15 a.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the County Board Room at the Sauk County West Square Building in the City of Baraboo to consider: 
Register of Deeds
Sauk Co land records are available online provided by LandShark.  Self-registration - create user ID & password to access.  Viewing indexed information is free of charge, to view or print document images option to pay online is available.  
Sauk County Development Corporation
2015 Leadership Forum graphic
On November 19, the Sauk County Development Corporation, with a nearly sold out venue at the Baraboo Art Convention and Banquet Center, facilitated a discussion on attracting and retaining the next generation to live and work in Sauk County.  Presenters Tom Stills and Ian Abston captivated the crowd with very different styles, yet centered around the same message:  
Emergency Management
SIGN UP... IT'S FREE The Nixle Emergency Information Service is regarded as an important investigative and communication tool that allows Sauk County response agencies to provide information to and see information from local subscribers. Stay up-to-date on happenings in your neighborhood through email and text messages sent by Sauk County. Nixle is the first secure and identity-certified communication service that allows local, county and state law enforcement agencies to connect with local residents over cell phone, email and web.
Management Information Systems
Welcome to Sauk County's Social Media Page.  Listed here are links to Sauk County's Social Media portals. For more information, or if there is a social media link you believe should be included on this page, please contact the Sauk County MIS Helpdesk at
Clerk of Courts
This link will assist self represented litigants with small claims action directions and forms.
Sheriff's Office
Land Information GIS
Tax Parcel iSite icon
The Land Information/GIS Department has migrated data and transitioned to a new application for it's GIS mapping.  This map viewer application is based on the ESRI ArcGIS Web/App Builder Version 1.3.  Please view the HELP topics in the application to become familiar with the new tools.    
The current control point on the surface of the earth and its associated current coordinate value, generally determined by a surveying process and used to define an extremity of a boundary. This application was created to allow searching on the Sauk County Assigned Corner Numbers.  To zoom to area of your choosing, hold the shift key down and drag a square around the area of interest to zoom in closer. 
Management Information Systems
Videos of County Board meetings are available on line.  Archived videos can be accessed anytime by following the link found at the bottom of the agenda page for the given meeting or by selecting the meeting from the list of videos which can be found by following the "Index of Videos" link below. In addition to archived videos, you may watch the meeting live by following the "Live Video Feed" link below.  
Sheriff's Office
The Sauk County Sheriff's Department holds active warrant(s) for the individuals on the following page. This list is current at the time of posting. All warrants must be verified through the Sauk County Sheriff's Department before any individual will be apprehended. The apprehension must be made by a Law Enforcement Officer once confirmation of the warrant is made. This verification can be done by the Sauk County Sheriff's Department or your local jurisdiction.