Thefts from Vehicles, Burglaries

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Over the past week, the Sauk County Sheriff’s Office, along with several local municipalities and neighboring Counties, have investigated many thefts from unlocked vehicles in residential driveways, as well as burglaries of homes resulting from garage door openers or keys inside the unlocked vehicles.

We cannot over emphasize the importance of locking vehicles parked outside at any time of the day, removing or hiding property of value from vehicle interiors, utilizing motion activated exterior lighting for driveways and other areas around your home and locking doors that give access to the inside of your home.

Other options to consider are residential alarms and surveillance systems, to include the new doorbell cameras. Costs for these items range in price, but can be found very reasonably.

As always, be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activities or persons that you see to your local Police Department or Sheriff’s Office.


Chip Meister

Sauk County Sheriff