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Septic Systems and Septic Maintenance
FOR SEPTIC MAINTAINERS ONLY: To enter your pumping record, click on the SEPTIC PUMPING SYSTEM link.
Are you buying or selling a property that has a private septic system located on it? During the sale of a property, you will most likely have an inspection conducted on the septic system. If you are not receiving a complete report similar to our example: Existing POWTS Evaluation, you could be getting an invalid or incomplete report. Depending on the type of report you receive, the county will not accept is as a valid inspection for the required maintenance reporting on the system.
How do I prevent my septic system from freezing?
Depending on your system, location, and water use, you may never have a freezing problem. Here are some precautions if you have had a past problem or are concerned about having a future problem. It is not necessary to do all of these, but pick and choose based on your situation.
1. Place a layer of mulch (8-12 inches) over the pipes, tank and soil treatment system to provide extra insulation. This is particularly important if you have had a new system installed late in the year and no vegetative cover has been established. If your system is currently frozen, ignore this step, as it will delay thawing come spring.
2. Let the grass in your lawn get a little longer over the tank and soil absorption cell area in the late summer/fall. This will provide extra insulation and help hold any snow that may fall.
3. Use water; the warmer the better! The Onsite Sewage Treatment Program is usually an advocate of water conservation, but if freezing is a concern, increasing low use to normal water use can help the system. This includes spreading out your laundry schedule to possibly one warm/hot load per day, using your dishwasher and maybe even taking a hot bath. DO NOT leave water running all the time, as this will hydraulically overload the system.
4. If you know you are going to be gone for an extended period, plan accordingly. This could include having someone use sufficient quantities of water in the home regularly, or pumping out your tank before leaving.
5. Fix any leaky plumbing fixtures or appliances in your home. This will help prevent freezing problems and help your system work better year-round.
6. Keep all types of vehicles and high-traffic people activities off of the system. This is a good rule to follow year-round.
7. Make sure all risers, inspection pipes and manholes have covers on them. Sealing them and adding insulation is a good idea.
8. Keep an eye on your system. If any seeping or ponding occurs, contact an onsite professional to help determine the cause and remedy.
Septic System Maintenance
If you own a septic system, it is important that it be properly maintained. How often you need to pump the solids out of your septic tank can depend on:
The number of people in your household;
The amount of wastewater generated (based on the number of people in the household and the amount of water used); and,
The volume of solids in the wastewater (e.g., using a garbage disposal will increase the amount of solids).
The rules/regulations in place by the County for Septic Maintenance and any requirements that may be recorded as part of your property deed.
Although your septic tank absorption field generally does not require maintenance, you should adhere to the following rules to protect and prolong its functional life:
- Do not drive over the absorption field with cars, trucks, or heavy equipment.
- Do not plant trees or shrubbery in the absorption field area, because the roots can get into the lines and plug them.
- Do not cover the absorption field with hard surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt. Grass is the best cover, because it will help prevent erosion and help remove excess water.
- Do divert surface runoff water from roofs, patios, driveways, and other areas away from the absorption field.
Don't Flush It
Homeowners wanting to take good care of their septic systems should make note of the following items that should never be flushed down the drain or toilet. These items can overtax or destroy the biological digestion taking place within the system or clog pumps and pipes.
Take care not to flush the following:
hair combings, coffee grounds, dental floss, disposable diapers, or kitty litter, sanitary napkins, tampons, cigarette butts, or condoms, gauze bandages, fat, grease, or oil, paper towels, and NEVER flush chemicals that could contaminate surface and groundwater, such as: paints, varnishes, thinners, waste oils, photographic solutions, or pesticides.