Farmland Preservation Program

Sauk County Farmland Preservation Boundaries

What is the Farmland Preservation Program?

The Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program (FPP) is designed to help local governments and landowners preserve agricultural land, minimize conflicting land uses, and promote soil and water conservation. Owners of farmland who participate in the program receive an income tax credit incentive.

Who is eligible to claim income tax credits through Farmland Preservation Program?

  • Landowners must be residents of the state of Wisconsin.
  • The farm must be in compliance with the soil and water conservation standards.
  • The agricultural use of the land must produce at least $6,000 in gross farm revenue the previous year or $18,000 over the previous three years.

Landowners within Bear Creek and Fairfield Townships can apply for a farmland preservation agreement for land owned and located within an Agricultural Enterprise Area (AEA). A farmland preservation agreement requires the land to be kept in agricultural use for 15 years and to meet state soil and water conservation standards. In return, the agreement enables the landowner to claim a farmland preservation tax credit.

Farmland Preservation Plan Update

Over the past year, Sauk County has been working to update of the Sauk County Farmland Preservation Plan which outlines strategies and policies which designate how the County participates in the Farmland Preservation Program. The Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program (FPP) is designed to help local governments and landowners preserve agricultural land, minimize conflicting land uses, and promote soil and water conservation. A draft of the plan is available for review by using the link below are by visiting the project website using the link below.

Please contact Brian Simmert at 608-355-4834 or email with any questions on the field day.