Foreign Adoption (for a child born in a foreign country)

PLEASE NOTE: This Guideline is provided as a public service and is not intended to be legal advice.  If you have any questions about the form or the procedure, please contact an attorney as Probate staff members cannot give legal advice.  


Please file the following:

Form Number Name of Form
Form Number Name of Form
JC-1645 Petition for Adoption (one original, signed and notarized)


... the following documents directly with the court:

  1. Investigative home study report
  2. Recommendation of agency/guardian
  3. Notice of release of medical/genetic information
  4. Consent and recommendation of State of Wisconsin

Note When the above documents have been filed, Probate personnel will prepare the Order for Hearing, giving notice to the attorney (or petitioner), the adoption agency, State of Wisconsin (if applicable) and to the child, if over 12 years of age.  


Adoption hearings (15 min.) are scheduled to be heard by the Judges. Any child over 14 years of age must attend in person.

NO LATER THAN THURSDAY NOON PRIOR TO HEARING DATE you, your attorney or your agency must file:

Form Number Name of Form
Form Number Name of Form
JC-1646 Consent to Adoption (consent by person 14 years or older)
AD-3001 Receipt for Medical and Genetic Information (if notice of release is not filed by the agency)
JC-1647 Order for Adoption
HCF-5022 (not available on website) Report of Adoption (statistical form necessary to obtain Wisconsin birth certificates)

Note: Probate personnel will return the Report of Adoption and a certified copy of the Order for Adoption to the adoptive parents or their attorney after the hearing so that naturalization proceedings can be initiated and a Wisconsin birth certificate can be obtained.


Follow guidelines above, except:

  1. Photocopies of all foreign Court documents along with a certified translation must be filed with the Petition
  2. Consent of the State of Wisconsin is NOT necessary


A packet of forms is available from the Register in Probate for $10.00

You may also access the above forms on the internet at the Wisconsin Circuit Court's site (see link below) Access the forms directory and print the form number needed as shown above, (example:  PR-1850.pdf).  A “fillable” form is also available as PR-1850.doc.  A form summary is also  available as PR-1850s.pdf.  Please note that Forms AD-3001 and HCF-5022 are not available on this website, but may be obtained from the Probate/Juvenile Office.