Formal Probate (filed by an Attorney only)

PLEASE NOTE: This Guideline is provided as a public service and is not intended to be legal advice. If you have any questions about the form or the procedure, please contact an attorney as Probate staff members cannot give legal advice.


Forms will be completed and filed electronically by legal counsel.


The Attorney or Personal Representative must check to see if claims have been filed:

  1. Call the Register in Probate Office (please have the case number available or a search fee will be charged) to see if there are any on file, OR
  2. Check the case on the internet at the Wisconsin Circuit Courts (see link below).

    Note: All claims must be satisfied before an estate can be closed and an Estate Receipt filed for each claim.


Please file the following if the estate was opened on waivers:

Form Number Name of Form
Form Number Name of Form
From Newspaper Proof of Publication (showing when the Order Limiting Time for Filing Claims was printed in the newspaper)


Form Number Name of Form
Form Number Name of Form
PR-1909 Judgment on Claims
PR-1814 Final Account (with schedules)
PR-1910 Petition for Approval of Final Account and Final Judgment of Estate Department of Revenue Form Closing Certificate for Fiduciaries (obtained from Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue after you file Fiduciary Tax Return)
PR-1911 PR-1902 Order and Notice for Hearing Final Account and Final Judgment OR Waiver nd Consent from all parties.
PR-1817 Affidavit of Mailing for Final Account - if on notice indicate when you provided a copy of the Final Account and Order and Notice for Hearing Final Account and Petition for Approval of Final Account to all other interested parties
PR-1912 Final Judgment


Form Number Name of Form
Form Number Name of Form
PR-1815 Estate Receipts: a) from creditors when a claim is paid and from each heir for partial or full distributions
PR-1913 Abridgment of Final Judgment
PR-1914 Proof of Recording
PR-1915 Order of Discharge of Personal Representative (Formal Administration)
PR-1929 Petition and Certificate of Joint Tenancy Termination/Life Estate Termination/Survivorship Marital Property Vesting


If certified copies are required, the cost is $3.00 for the certificate and $1.00 for each page copied and compared.