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Sauk County Land Resources and Environment
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI 53913
(608) 355-3245
Tim Kabat - Director
(608) 355-4830
Tim has more than 30 years of experience working at the local level, including county and municipal governments and non-profits, as well as an 8-year stint as a local elected official. Tim’s background is in urban & regional planning and prior to joining Sauk County, he served as the director of the La Crosse Area Development Corporation.
Tim is responsible for oversight of all programs, functions and activities of the Land Resources and Environment Department focusing on Land Conservation, Parks and Recreation, and Planning and Zoning. Tim provides leadership and direction to the department to ensure that operations meet the Department’s and County’s strategic priorities.
Becky Meyer – Office Specialist
(608) 355-3245
Becky is responsible for directing visitors to the department and general reception. Prepares LRE committee agendas and minutes, processes accounts receivable/payable and develops cost share contracts for conservation projects. Prior to joining the LRE department in 2022, Becky worked at the Sauk County Highway Department in a similar capacity since 2019. As a lifetime resident of Sauk County, Becky has been the clerk for the Town of Reedsburg since 2009 where she provides local government administration and community service on many different levels.
Focus Areas: Reception, accounts receivable/payable, cost share contract development, tree sale coordination, LRE committee assistance
Melissa Schlupp - Conservation Manager
(608) 355-4838
Melissa is responsible for managing land conservation staff and overseeing the land conservation services of the department. She also works closely with participants in the Farmland Preservation Program and assists farmers with nutrient management planning on their operations. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2013, Melissa worked with various state, federal, and nonprofit organizations assisting private landowners with establishing wildlife habitat and conservation practices on their land.
Focus Areas: Farmland Preservation Program, Chapter 26 Agricultural Performance Standards and Manure Management Ordinance, Nutrient Management, Conservation Cost Share Programs
Brian Sadler - Conservation Specialist
(608) 355-4841
Brian is responsible for assisting farmers with implementing conservation practices on their land. He provides assistance with conservation planning and outreach and education activities. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2013, Brian worked in a similar capacity with the Racine County Land Conservation Department.
Focus areas: Farmland Preservation Program, Agricultural Enterprise Areas, Nutrient Management Planning, Soil Health Assessments
Serge Koenig - Conservation Analyst
(608) 355-4837
Serge is responsible for assisting farmers plan for and install rotational grazing systems and other conservation practices. He also coordinates stream monitoring activities throughout the county. Prior to joining Sauk County in 1995, Serge worked at the windshed project in Central Wisconsin.
Focus areas: Rotational Grazing Systems, Water Quality Monitoring Activities, Cost Share Program Project Development
Mitch McCarthy - Watershed Program Coordinator
(608) 355-4836
Mitch is responsible for coordinating and overseeing watershed projects. He works with landowners, municipalities, and partner groups to implement conservation practices in designated watersheds. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2020, Mitch worked in the Land and Water Conservation Departments with Door and Lincoln Counties in similar positions.
Focus areas: Conservation Practice Planning and Implementation, Lakeshore Practice Installation, Water Quality Trading, Cost Share Program Project Development, Manure Storage Facility Construction/Abandonment Overview, Producer Led Watershed group facilitation
Patrick Bula - Conservation Specialist
(608) 355-4839
Patrick is responsible for assisting farmers and landowners to plan and successfully implement conservation practices that benefit soil health, water quality, and improve farm resilience. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2023, Patrick worked in various conservation roles with entities such as Peace Corps, Marathon County CPZ, and USDA-NRCS. Patrick joined the Sauk County Conservation team in 2024.
Focus areas: Rotational Grazing Systems, Cropland Conservation Systems, Soil Health Assessments, and Nutrient Management Planning.
Jacqui Peyer - Conservation Educator
(608) 355-4842
Joining the Land Resources and Environment Department in 2024, Jacqui is responsible for implementing youth education and community programming, outreach, and engagement. Jacqui collaborates with a broad range of resources to make programs possible such as the Sauk County Clean Sweep, Agriculture Plastics Collection, Youth Conservation days, Wheat Week, the Conservation Chronicle, and more. Aside from working at Sauk County, Jacqui also manages her family’s event barn venue and vacation rental in Oxford and is active in multiple local community organizations. Previously Jacqui worked as the School District of Mauston’s Farm to School Program Coordinator and as a plant propagator for McKay Nursery.
Focus areas: Youth education programming, field days and pasture walks, Conservation Chronicle Newsletter, Clean Sweep, Ag Plastics, Sauk Soil and Water Improvement Group (SSWIG) Coordination
Jenn Schneiderman - Conservation Technician
(608) 355-4847
Jenn is responsible for cost-share program enrollment and landowner technical assistance for the department. She works directly with landowners and interest groups to pinpoint resource concerns and improve wildlife habitat on private and public land. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2023, Jenn worked as a habitat conservation technician throughout southern Wisconsin.
Focus Areas: Conservation Cost Share Program Enrollment, Wildlife Habitat Management and Monitoring, Sauk County Farm, Lake Redstone Watershed funding and collaboration
Brian Simmert, AICP - Planning and Zoning Manager
(608) 355-4834
Brian is responsible for overseeing the planning and zoning services of the department. Brian works with developers, surveyors, real estate professionals, and land owners providing professional guidance and assuring compliance with various Sauk County ordinances and state statutes. Brian also coordinates the county’s planning program. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2000, Brian worked with Columbia and Dane counties implementing planning and zoning programs.
Focus areas: Land Division Regulations, Zoning/Subdivision/Shore land Protection/Floodplain Ordinance Administration, Planning Program Oversight, Great Sauk State Trail Planning & Development.
Will Christensen – Land Use/Sanitary Specialist
(608) 355-4831
Will is responsible for providing technical information and assistance to the public and town officials concerning zoning, land division, shoreland, floodplain, POWTS, and nonmetallic mining as well as various permit processes. Will also reviews permits, enforces ordinances, and researches information to prepare reports on planning and zoning related items. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2018, Will had an intern and limited term position with Sauk County as well as several years of management experience.
Focus areas: Zoning Ordinance, Shoreland Protection Ordinance, Floodplain Ordinance, Rural Identification System Ordinance, Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance, Private Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems Ordinance.
Tate Hillmann – Land Use/Sanitary Technician
(608) 355-4833
Tate is responsible for providing technical information and assistance to the public and town officials concerning zoning, land division, shoreland, floodplain, POWTS, and nonmetallic mining as well as various permit processes. Tate also reviews permits, enforces ordinances, and researches information to prepare reports on planning and zoning related items. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2021, Tate studied Natural Resource Planning at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.
Focus areas: Zoning Ordinance, Shoreland Protection Ordinance, Floodplain Ordinance, Rural Identification System Ordinance, Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance, Private Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems Ordinance.
Megan Krautkramer - Land Use/Sanitary Technician
(608) 355-4835
Megan is responsible for providing technical information and assistance to the public and town officials concerning zoning, land division, shoreland, floodplain, POWTS, and nonmetalic mining as well as various permit processes. Megan also reviews permits, enforces ordinances, and researches information to prepare reports on planning and zoning related items. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2023, Megan studied Biological Aspects of Conservation at the University of Wisconsin Madison, where she also earned a Master of Science degree, and she worked for the City of Baraboo as a building and fire inspector.
Focus areas: Zoning Ordinance, Shoreland Protection Ordinance, Floodplain Ordinance, Rural Identification System Ordinance, Nonmetallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance, Private Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems Ordinance.
Cassandra Fowler – Planner
(608) 355-4832
Cassandra is responsible for various planning projects throughout the County, particularly focusing on outdoor recreation. Cassandra works with Towns, local nonprofits, and municipalities to advance outdoor recreation and planning throughout the County and guarantee compliance with Sauk County Ordinances and state statutes. Cassandra also assists in outdoor education programs. Prior to joining Sauk County in 2018, Cassandra worked with other local Wisconsin government for Farmland Preservation, comprehensive planning, water quality improvement, and non-metallic mineral reclamation.
Focus Areas: County Park Planning & Development, Ordinance Administration, Baraboo River Planning & Development, Great Sauk State Trail Planning & Development, Comprehensive Planning.