Home Energy Saving Ideas

No cost ways to save on home energy

  • Keep refrigerator and freezer full - use containers of water or other liquids to retain cold and help cool the refrigerator and freezer
  • Clean refrigerator coils once or twice a year
  • Turn down the temperature on your water heater [to 120-125 degrees]
  • Turn down thermostat during the heating season, especially when not home or sleeping (lowering thermostat 1 degree will give a 1% savings in heating costs). [See low cost ways below for programmable thermostats that do this for you automatically]
  • Dress warmly, use blankets when reading or watching television to stay comfortable with a lower temperature setting
  • Use bathroom and kitchen fans sparingly; they will remove heated air from house in winter
  • Turn off lights when not in use or when you’re not in the room - this goes for other electrical devices as well
  • Unplug when not in use: televisions, dvd/video players; chargers for cell phones, tools, etc.; computers; and other electrical devices---most of these devices continue to draw power even when turned off [Some people put these devices on a power strip and then turn the power strip off - check to see that your power strip isn’t using electricity when off.]
  • Wash full loads of clothes and dishes and use the cold setting when washing clothes - an estimated 90% of energy use in washers is for heating the water
  • Reuse your bath towel a bit more than usual - one of the most bulky items to wash, besides you’re clean when you use it!
  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using a dryer
  • Clean the lint filter in the dryer after every load
  • Make sure your windows are fully closed and locked during the heating season
  • Open curtains and blinds on the east, south, and west sides of your home on sunny days
  • Keep furniture and rugs away from heating vents
  • Close heating vents in unused rooms and close the doors to those rooms too, to prevent heated air from entering the room from the part of the house you’re using
  • Remove window air conditioners during the heating season
  • In the summer, open your windows at night and close them during the day to hold cool air in your home

Low cost ways to save on home energy


  • Install a programmable thermostat to automatically turn down the temperature setting when you’re away or in bed
  • If your water heater is five or more years old, insulate it – will save 5% or more
  • Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) (see below for figuring cost savings). CFLs have greatly improved -do a little checking to find low-mercury content bulbs and bulbs which put out the color light you prefer. [Find disposal methods at the Clean Sweep Alternative Disposal Methods link below]
  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to reduce hot water expense [priced from $5 on up]
  • Repair leaky faucets and toilets
  • Use weatherstripping to seal windows and doors
  • Use caulk to seal holes to exterior - saves money and reduces pests coming in
  • Plug any holes between your attic and living space (expandable foam, etc.). Be sure to insulate and weatherstrip your attic door too
  • Replace/clean the filter on your furnace
  • Have your furnace serviced annually if possible

Other ways to reduce your home energy costs

  • Insulate! --decent attic insulation [after sealing the attic from the living space]
  • Insulate! --the sill plate in your basement [foam best]
  • Storm windows and/or window replacement
  • If you or your family members cannot remember to turn off lights - install timers/motion detectors
  • Replace your appliances, furnace, air conditioner and other energy users with Energy Star rated devices

Calculating the energy cost of CFLs and other electricity using items

  • Watts times cost per Kilowatt hour (.12 for Alliant) divided by 1,000 = cost per hour
  • So: 60 watt “regular” light bulb times .12 =7.2 divided by 1,000 = .0072 or less than one cent per hour
    • Let’s say you, on average, have this bulb on for 5 hours a day (from 5pm-10pm), 7 days per week.
    • Electricity for this costs you .0072 X 35 hours/week X 52 weeks = $13.10 for the year
  • What if you replaced this with a 60 watt equivalent Compact Fluorescent Light?                                                                          
  • 60 watt equivalent uses 13 watts X .12 = 1.56 divided by 1,000 = .00156 X 35 hours/wk X 52 weeks = $2.60 for the year
  • By switching this one bulb you save approximately $10.50 per year [and even more when electricity rates go up].