Non Metallic Mining Reclamation Permit


Listed below are the items that are required to be submitted, per Sauk Co. Code §24.05(3). 

  • Reclamation permit application for the current year.

  • Information required by Section 24.05(2):brief description of the general location and nature of the nonmetallic mine, legal description, including tax parcel number(s), names, addresses, phone numbers of all owners/lessors, as well as the operator, and a certification by the operator of his/her intent to comply with the statewide nonmetallic mining regulations.

  • Plan review/annual fees.

  • Certification of financial assurance.All operators with annual Irrevocable Letters of Credit must take action to renew before the financial assurance expires.  Please use the form attached below.

  • Current reclamation plan.Addendums will be accepted in place of receiving a plan in its entirety.

  • Site information including, but not limited to maps of the mining site including the general location, property boundaries,aerial extent, geological composition and depth of mineral despot, distribution, thickness and type of topsoil, location of surface waters and existing drainage patterns and approximate elevation of the ground water.

  • Information available to the operator or owner on biological resources, plan communities and wildlife use.

  • Existing topography (mapping assistance available through Joe in the Mapping/GIS Dept x3540).

  • Location of any man-made features on or near the site.

  • A plan showing the location and extent of land previously affected by nonmetallic mining including the location of stockpiles, wash ponds and sediment basins.