Adult Protective Services

Tree with descriptive words

Adult Protective Services (APS) responds to reports of abuse or neglect of elderly (age 60 and older) and adults-at-risk (any adult who has a physical or mental condition that impairs the ability to care for their needs).

Types of abuse

•Neglect by caregiver or self-neglect
•Physical Abuse
•Emotional Abuse
•Sexual Abuse
•Financial Exploitation/Abuse

Definitions can be found on the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services webpage:

About Reporters

•Any concerned person may report to APS.

• When you call to report alleged abuse, there are several questions you may be asked, including information about the elder or adult-at-risk, including an address and the incident(s) of abuse. You will also have the option to give your name and address, but you do not have to give this information.

•By law, the identity of a reporter may not be disclosed to anyone, unless a judge orders the information be revealed. This type of order is very rare.

•The law has protections for good-faith reporters of incidents involving adults-at-risk and immunity provisions apply to all reporters.

•Due to confidentiality, the reporter may not be privy to the status of the investigation or outcome unless the reporter is included in the exceptions outlined in the law.

•If the alleged abuser is a paid caregiver employed by a long term care facility, contact:

The Department of Health Services 
Office of Caregiver Quality

Email: (link sends e-mail)
Phone: (608) 261-8319

Making a Report

•To report elder or adult-at-risk abuse or neglect in the community:

CALL:             Sauk County Department of Humans Services at 608-355-4200

                       Wisconsin Elder Abuse Hotline 1-833-586-0107

IN PERSON:  505 Broadway, 4t Floor, Baraboo, Wisconsin

MAIL:             P.O. Box 29 Baraboo, WI 53913


To report abuse or neglect in a nursing home or long term care facility, contact WI Division of Quality of Assurance at 1-800-642-6552.

APS Process

The APS process of investigating is guided by the Wisconsin Elder Abuse Law State Statute 46.90. When a new report is made to APS, the following steps take place:

•Access writes a report based on information a reporter provides about the alleged abuse or neglect.

•An APS worker reviews the information in the report and decides if it meets the level of APS involvement based on the law as guidance.

•If further response is warranted, the investigation will be initiated within 24 business hours. Depending on the allegations, this can include requesting records necessary for investigation, including medical or financial, contact with elder or adult-at-risk, interviews with caregivers, relatives, medical providers, service providers, and law enforcement.

•APS worker will assess decisional capacity and risk, while also offer referral for services. The APS worker and elder or adult-at-risk will determine a plan. If elder has decisional capacity, APS involvement can be refused.

In situations where elder’s decisional capacity is compromised, guardianships may be pursued guided by Wisconsin Chapter 54.

In situations where risks cannot be reduced to a safe level in the community, protective placement or services may be pursued guided by Wisconsin Chapter 55.

•APS reports and responses are confidential. There are exceptions in the law that allow information to be released under specific circumstances.

•A case is closed once an investigation or assessment is complete and a safe plan is in place or the elder or adult-at-risk has decisional capacity to refuses further involvement

Other APS Services:

Alzheimer Family Caregiver Support Program is offered through the Sauk County APS unit. For more information:

Guardianship Referrals:  APS assists with petitioning when an elder or adult-at-risk is in need of a guardian and is under the set asset limit even if there are no allegations of abuse or neglect present.

Protective Placement Reviews:  When a Protective Placement is ordered through the court, APS is the designated agency to complete the placement reviews by determining the least restrictive placement that meets the person’s needs and reporting the findings to the court.

To learn more about these services or to make a referral, follow the Making a Report process noted above.

For more information about Adult Protective Services, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services webpage:

Protect Wisconsin's Seniors, Report Elder Abuse 1-833-586-0107