Lake Programs

Shoreline Stabilization

The configurations of our lake shorelines in Wisconsin have been constantly changing over the last few thousand years. Soil erosion is a natural process that is part of that configuration. Unfortunately, when the rate of erosion speeds up due to loss of vegetation, physical disturbances, changes in water levels, or increases in wave action, the increased soil loss and removal of native vegetation is bad for the health of the lake. Soil eroding into the lake can reduce water quality, and increase the growth of algal blooms and aquatic plants. Eroding soil also has a damaging effect on fish and wildlife habitat. The negative effects of shoreline erosion are a concern for landowners who care about the health of their lake and their property. There are different techniques landowners can use to control and repair soil erosion and to restore native shoreline buffers. Sauk County LRE is providing financial and/or technical assistance for our lake groups and residence. For more information and to request a complimentary visit to your shoreline to discuss any concerns you have please click the boxes below for more information.