Here’s your chance to receive some monetary assistance for an environmental education course!  Scholarships are available to teachers interested in improving their skills and expanding their knowledge in this important field.  There are a variety of courses that offer unique opportunities to explore our diverse environment and provide you with resource materials for your classroom.  This is your opportunity to gain some additional knowledge to help inspire the love of the environment in your students.

To assist you in these efforts, the Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Department is providing two scholarships every spring (up to $300 each) for workshop fees, tuition costs, meals, lodging, and mileage per county rates for any environmental education seminar.   To obtain more information on receiving the scholarship or course suggestions, please contact the Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Department at 505 Broadway, Suite 248, Baraboo, WI 53913, call 355-4842, or e-mail Jacqui Peyer at jacqui.peyer@saukcountywi.gov