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Mineral Extraction
Non-metallic mining in Sauk County is regulated by the Planning and Zoning Department and, depending on activities, the Department of Natural Resources.
Non-metallic mining is defined as operations or activities at a nonmetallic mining site for the extraction from the earth of mineral aggregates or nonmetallic minerals for sale or use by the operator. Nonmetallic mining includes use of mining equipment or techniques to remove materials from the in-place nonmetallic mineral deposit, including drilling and blasting, as well as associated activities such as excavation, grading and dredging. Nonmetallic mining does not include the removal of materials such as commercial sod, agricultural crops, ornamental or garden plants, forest products, or plant nursery stock.
Nonmetallic mining also includes processes carried out at a nonmetallic mining site that are related to the preparation or processing of the mineral aggregates or nonmetallic minerals obtained from the site. These processes include, but are not limited to stockpiling of materials, blending mineral aggregates or nonmetallic minerals with other mineral aggregates or nonmetallic minerals, blasting, grading, crushing, screening, scalping and dewatering.
Can I Have a Mine/Mineral Extraction Activities in my zoning district?
Per Chapter 7 (see link below), Sauk County Code of Ordinances, Section 7.060 - 7.062.
Per county code:
7.060 Nonmetallic mining site, one acre or greater: secondary standards. (1) APPLICATION. This section applies to all nonmetallic mining sites that are any of the following:
(a) Greater than one acre of total affected acreage in the parcel to be mined;
(b) Mined for more than 24 months; or
(c) Involve blasting for aggregate material.
(2) PERMIT. Nonmetallic mining sites may be permitted under this section by the zoning administrator with the submission of a nonmetallic mining application pursuant to s. 7.154 and issuance of a land use permit pursuant to s. 7.153 and special exception approved by the board of adjustment pursuant to s. 7.152. The board shall determine if the nonmetallic mining site is in the public interest after consideration of the following: (a) The nonmetallic mining site complies with all provisions of this chapter, Sauk Co. Code ch. 24, and Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 135.
(b) The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the special exception use shall not endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare, nor impair significant aesthetic, scientific, educational, or agricultural values.
(c) That the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the special exception use will not substantially affect the existing use of adjacent properties and will not have a substantial adverse effect on the most suitable long-term future use for the area.
(d) That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, traffic plans, and other site improvements are or will be provided.
(e) All outdoor lighting shall utilize fully shielded lighting fixtures to minimize artificial sky glow and prevent light trespass or glare beyond the property line.
(f) That the nonmetallic mining use shall conform to all government regulations and standards pertaining to the activity, including air and water quality standards and storm and wastewater permit discharge requirements.
(g) That the noise, vibration, and dust levels be within the standards as established by the state.
(h) That an undeveloped buffer zone adjacent to extraction operations, commencing not less than 50 feet from a property line, or not less than 600 feet from an established building, or such other distance as the Sauk County Board of Adjustment finds necessary for the protection and safety of adjacent properties from mineral extraction sites, with a stable angle of repose being provided along property lines.
(i) That the reclamation plan, which shall similarly be imposed as a condition of approval, will be enforceable and, as enforced, will result in the property being in a final condition which is reasonably safe, attractive and, if possible, conducive to productive new uses for the site.
(j) Stormwater runoff leaving the site will be controlled to limit sediment delivery to surface waters. Appropriate stormwater discharge or construction site erosion permits must be obtained.
(k) Groundwater Protection. Nonmetallic mining operations and reclamation shall be conducted in a manner that meets groundwater quality standards pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 140.
(l) Nonmetallic mining operations and reclamation shall be conducted in a manner that does not cause a permanent lowering of the groundwater table that results in adverse effects on surface waters or a significant reduction in the quantity of groundwater available for reasonable use to future users.
7.061 Nonmetallic mining site, less than one acre, not exceeding 24 months: secondary standards. (1) PERMIT. Nonmetallic mining sites of one acre or less may be permitted under this subsection by the zoning administrator with the submission of a nonmetallic mining application, pursuant to s. 7.154, and issuance of a land use permit, pursuant to s. 7.153, provided the nonmetallic mining site complies with all provisions of this chapter, Sauk Co. Code ch. 24, and Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 135. These requirements include the requirement for financial assurance and a reclamation plan under Sauk Co. Code ch. 24.
(2) TIME OF OPERATION. Nonmetallic mining sites permitted under this subsection
31 Sauk County Code of Ordinances - Ch. 7 SAUK COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE
shall not exceed 24 months of operation calculated from the date the land use permit is issued and concluding upon the completion of final reclamation. If a nonmetallic mining site exceeds 24 months of operation, it shall be permitted, and meet the standards under s. 7.060.
(3) NUMBER. Multiple locations for extraction may be located on a single parcel provided that the total of all locations combined not exceed one acre.
(4) OCCURRENCE. Nonmetallic mining sites under this subchapter shall not be permitted to occur on a parcel more than once in any 3-year period, calculated on the date that the land use permit was issued by the zoning administrator.
(5) LENGTH OF OPERATION. Nonmetallic mining sites under this subchapter cannot be extended in duration.
(6) STOCKPILING. Stockpiling of any nonmetallic mineral, including stone, sand, gravel, clay and topsoil, shall not be permitted beyond final reclamation.
7.062 Nonmetallic mining site, between one acre and 15 acres, not exceeding 24 months: secondary standards. (1) PERMIT. Nonmetallic mining sites permitted under this subsection shall meet the provisions of s. 7.060(1)(2) and (3). Nonmetallic mining sites between one acre and 15 acres, may be permitted under this subsection by the zoning administrator with the submission of a nonmetallic mining application pursuant to s. 7.154, and issuance of a land use permit pursuant to s. 7.153, provided the nonmetallic mining site complies with all provisions of this chapter, Sauk Co. Code ch. 24, and Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 135. These requirements include the requirement for financial assurance and a reclamation plan under Sauk Co. Code ch. 24.
(2) TIME OF OPERATION. Nonmetallic mining sites permitted under this subsection shall not exceed 24 months of operation calculated from the date the land use permit is issued and concluding upon the completion of final reclamation. If a nonmetallic mining site exceeds 24 months of operation, it shall be permitted and meet the standards under s. 7.060.
(3) NUMBER. Multiple locations for extraction may be located on a single parcel provided that the total of all locations combined not exceed 15 acres.
(4) OCCURRENCE. Nonmetallic mining sites under this subchapter shall not be permitted to occur on a parcel more than once in any 3-year period calculated on the date that the land use permit was issued by the zoning administrator.
(5) LENGTH OF OPERATION. Nonmetallic mining sites under this subchapter cannot be extended in duration.
(6) STOCKPILING. Stockpiling of any nonmetallic mineral, including stone, sand, gravel, clay and topsoil, shall not be permitted beyond final reclamation.