Good Idea Mini Grant

Light bulb represents a good idea

The Sauk County Arts & Culture Committee will be accepting grants for the 2025 grant season. 


The "Good Idea" grant program is designed to support the creativity of Sauk County artists, craftspeople, musicians, writers, historians and non-profit arts, humanities or historic preservation organizations to culturally enrich Sauk County communities. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $500.00.


Applications are accepted each month in a calendar year until all funds for this program are awarded.  Applications are due to the Extension Sauk County Office by the first Friday of the month. The Economic Development Committee meets the third Monday of each month and will review the merits of each application and decide which projects will be funded. Please review the "Good Idea" Grant guidelines for additional information on the criteria the Committee will use to evaluate each grant.

Eligibility:  You are NOT eligible to apply for a Good Idea Grant if you received an Arts, Humanity and Historic Preservation (AHHP) grant in the same calendar year

Recipients of "Good Idea" Grants may not apply for additional grants in a single year, and a final report is required.

The application and guidelines can be found below; use the web link for the Google Good Idea grant form.

If you are unable to use the Google web link please contact the Extension Sauk County Office at 608-355-3250 or email us at