
Complaints About Licensed Establishments

Sauk County Health Department will investigate complaints that are relevant to applicable code requirements. When we receive a valid complaint we will do a complaint inspection and work with the business operator to correct any violations that are found. The intent of the investigation is to achieve compliance. We cannot resolve disputes between the establishment and the consumer and we cannot arrange for refunds to the consumer.

Complaints About Public Health Hazards

Sauk County Health Department can investigate or provide guidance for complaints about public health hazards. If the hazard is relevant to our ordinances and scope of practice, we can move forward with an investigation. If a Public Health Hazard is identified, the department will work with the property owner to correct the hazard.

If the complaint is about a hazard that does not fall into our jurisdiction or scope of practice, we can help direct the complainant to an organization that is better suited to help.


You may ask to remain anonymous when you submit a complaint to Sauk County health Department. Keep in mind that we may ask for your contact information for follow up or so we can gather more information. We will do our best to keep your identity anonymous, but often the business or property owner has an idea who made the complaint without us telling them.

Contact Information

If you would like to submit a complaint to Sauk County Health Department, please call (608) 355-4327.