Home Baking

Cookies, bread, and muffins


If you are thinking of selling home baked goods in Sauk County, please take the time to review the following information about the process and requirements. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us at 608-355-4327.

  • Wisconsin Cottage Food Website

    • An overview on selling home baked goods in Wisconsin
    • FAQs
    • Additional resources
  • Cottage Food Home Bakery Website

    • Tested recipes
    • Display and packaging ideas
    • Additional resources
  • Home Baker Requirements

    1. Product must be sold to the final consumer. Products cannot be sold to another retailer.
    2. Homemade items may not be sold by any licensed retail food establishment.
    3. The product can only be sold at the location it was made or at an approved
      community event (ex. farmer’s market).
    4. No food handling can be done with home baked goods at farmer’s markets. The items
      must be prepackaged and labeled at the location they were made.
    5. The products must be non-TCS (temperature control for safety) baked goods, meaning
      refrigeration or other temperature control is not needed to keep the product safe.
      • Breads, cookies, and muffins are usually considered non-potentially hazardous.
      • Foods with cream filling, custard, or meat are not allowed.
      • Some frostings are allowed, but the baker will need to have documentation of the non-TCS recipe that is used.
      • Here is a website with acceptable non-TCS items. If one of these recipes is used, you will need to keep recipe documentation onsite and available for inspection: https://cottagefoodhomebakery.com/recipes/
      • It is the baker’s responsibility to prove their recipe is non-TCS.
      • More information about allowed foods can be found here: https://www.wisconsincottagefood.com/bestpractices
    6. Items must be baked goods that have been exposed to dry heat of over 140F. Items dried in a dehydrator are not considered baked.
    7. The products must be labeled correctly.
      • The statement: “This product was made in a private home not subject to state licensing or inspection.”
      • A list of ingredients.
      • Your name/business name and contact information.
      • Date the product was made.
    8. Free samples may only be given in bite-sized portions.