Health Department Recommends Vaccination to Prevent Measles

For Immediate Release

February 6, 2015

Contact: Cynthia Bodendein, Health Officer


There are no confirmed cases of measles in Wisconsin at this time. However, the CDC has reported an outbreak of measles in the U.S. currently involving fourteen states. The Sauk County Health Department would like to take this opportunity to provide some information about measles and how to prevent it.  

Measles is the most deadly of all childhood rash/fever illnesses.  It is a serious infection that causes fever, cough, a rash, sore eyes, and occasionally dangerous complications. Measles spreads very easily, so it is important to protect against infection. Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent measles.

Specifically, to have the best protection against measles, two doses of MMR vaccine are required. As part of the childhood immunization program the first dose of vaccine is required between 12 -15 months and the second dose before entering school, at 4 – 6 years.

Adults born before 1957 do not need the MMR vaccine. Adults born after 1957 should either have a blood test that shows immunity to measles or receive one dose of MMR vaccine. For adults who plan to travel abroad and have only received one MMR vaccine, you should see your primary medical provider for a second MMR vaccine prior to departure.

It is important for you to check your child’s immunization records to make sure he/she has received two doses of MMR vaccine. If you believe that your child needs the MMR vaccine, please call your health care provider or the Sauk County Health Department at (608)355-3290.

More measles information can be obtained at Please remember - the best way to protect your child is to ensure they have had two doses of MMR.