Prenatal Care Coordination

Pregnant Woman

Last updated 1/22/25 at 9:05 AM.

Prenatal Care Coordination (PNCC) is a service available at no charge to pregnant women who are eligible for BadgerCare or Medical Assistance, or need help applying for BadgerCare for pregnancy or the coming baby. It is also available for any pregnant teen needing healthy pregnancy information or support. The program is voluntary and confidential. 


PNCC can assist with finding a physician, refer to WIC (Women, Infants and Children) and other resources for food, nutritional information, maternity and baby clothing, breastfeeding advice and support, newborn information and childbirth information or classes. It also assists with problem-solving for social, financial and transportation issues. The First Breath program, a quit smoking program for pregnant women, can also be done during PNCC visits. PNCC includes monthly contact with a Public Health Nurse during the pregnancy and up to two months after delivery.