Pregnancy Services

Last Updated: 2/7/25 9:05 AM.

Pregnant Woman

Last updated 1/22/25 at 9:05 AM.

Prenatal Care Coordination (PNCC) is a service available at no charge to pregnant women who are eligible for BadgerCare or Medical Assistance, or need help applying for BadgerCare for pregnancy or the coming baby. It is also available for any pregnant teen needing healthy pregnancy information or support. The program is voluntary and confidential. 


Mother and child

Last updated 1/22/25 9:05 AM.

Maternal Child Health consists of Public Health Nurse outreach for families that need to be connected to resources.

Pregnancy Test


Free confidential pregnancy testing is done by the Public Health Nurses during the Intake hours of 8:00am and 12:00pm, Monday through Friday. The test is verification of pregnancy allowing the woman to apply for services such as WIC (Women, Infants and Children), BadgerCare Plus (including the Presumptive Eligibility or Express Enrollment cards), and is accepted by most doctor's offices as proof of pregnancy. This is a three minute urine test requiring minimal paperwork.

Pregnant mother

Designed for women who are U.S. Citizens, who have had a positive pregnancy test, and intend to apply for BadgerCare Plus. This is a confidential temporary BadgerCare card that covers pregnancy related services outside of the hospital.